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File: 120596_aacxi_01.txt
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 Place: A1 Kharj; AFB, Saudi Arabia            	Date: 21 January l991
 Operation hours:  	0600-1505 Hours	 	FMC Rate:   96%
 No. Bombs Dropped: 		0		 No. Planes:   32
 No. Wing Tanks Dropped:	 0	 	No. Sorties:  l6
No. Battle Damaged A/C:		0		 No. Code One: 10
No. Ground Aborts:		0 		No. Code Two:     3
No. Air Aborts:			0	 	No. Code Three:  5
  MISSION I: For the second day 1n a row thick morning fog covered
  the air base.  Despite the overcast, 16 SCANG F-l6's started their
  engines at 0600 hours in preparation for the morning mission. Again
  bad weather prevailed and at 0620 hours the mission was canceled and
  the aircraft engine were shut down. Airplane no. 299 was put in for
  an Aircraft Phase Inspection and will be out of commission for
  approximately two day.
       Lead Pilot: Major Barry K. Clone - A/C Tail No.: 29O
  MISSION II: Under a clear sky and warm weather, l6 F-l5's
  carrying two CBU-87 bombs apiece started their engine at 1220 hours.
  The SCANG fighters were preparing for the afternoon's mission against
  Iraqi ground forces in Kuwait. However, the mission was cut short as
  the planes turned back early from the target due to bad weather. The
  F-16's returned to base with no battle damage and carrying all their
  bombs and wing tanks.
       Lead Pilot: Major George R. Jernigan A/C Tail No.: 29O
 DAILY LOG: At 2200 hours the air base went on a Red Alert, MOP
 Level IV. Personnel were warned to take cover but the alert was called
 off after a short period of time. A1 Kharj Air Base was then put on a
 Yellow Alert, MOP Level II which meant that people, for the second time
 in three nights, had to sleep in their chemical warfare gear. A wake
 up call was not long in coming. At 0100 hours the base went on a Red
 Alert, MOP Level IV and base personnel were warned to take cover.
 During the alert the condition changed from Red to Black for the first
 time since hostilities began on 17 January l991. Condition Black
 indicates that biological or chemical weapons are present. At 0145 the
 all clear was sounded but the OP Level was kept at II which required
 people to stay in their chemical warfare suits throughout the night.
 The alerts were prompted by nine Iraqi SCUD missiles being fired at
 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. They were the first missiles fired at the
 capitol city since hostilities began. Six of the missiles aimed at the
 city were downed by U. S. Army Patriot SAMs. The three remaining
 missiles went over the Arabian capitol with two meeting the same fate
 as the first six, and the last missile crashing into the sea. Secretary
 of Defense Dick Cheney reported to the news media today that Iraq has
 plenty' of SCUD missiles and about 40 launchers. The launchers are
 more important as they are the means to deliver the missile to a
 At 0745 hours the base went on another Red Alert, MOP Level IV but
 this alarm was called off after only five minutes.

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