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File: aabez_02.txt
Page: 02
Total Pages: 3

				[(b)(1)sec 3.4(b)(5)]


	Q. How is the terrorist threat to the 1703 AREFW
	countered ?
	A. [(b)(1)sec 3.4(b)(5)]

	Q. What problems were encountered in setting up the
	defenses ?
	A. First of all the heat was very bad at the time of
	our arrival. At times, the temperature on the
	flightline reached 138 degrees. We had to drink
	lots of water, and use any available shade,
	including aircraft wings. It was very important
	that we looked out for each other, making sure we	
	ate properly, drank plenty of water, and watched
	each other for signs of heat prostration or stroke.
	Camouflage netting, which lowers the temperature
	approximately 20 degrees was in short supply until
	the supply system was set up. Many organizations
	wanted to borrow this netting and sand bags that
	we deployed with. American civilian employees at
	KKIA were instrumental in helping us with
	procurement of some needed items, along with
	delivering sand and gravel. They also provided
	contract labor and helped us to erect the compound
	Q. How do the security police interact with the Saudi

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