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      A note of thanks to all who participated		     After peaking to 18 cases of acute
in the Chief of Staff's visit Wednesday and		gastro Intestinal distress in one day
Thursday.  The effort expended to shape up		or as one affected person described "that
the camp for his visit was obious, and noted	            commode hugging feeling," hospital officials
by General Dugan and the people in his group.	            are concerned that camp members are ignoring		
    It was also obvious to him and the other		personal hygiene.
DVs how far we have come in pulling this camp		"Its a dirty environment that we are
together, while at the same time, taking care		living in and the best way to break the chain
of the people's needs.					of disease transmission is by washing our
     Bear in mind that General Dugan will			hands,"  said Major Howard Pue, chief if the
not be the last dignitary to visit us.			hospital's environmental health section
     Although you have been doing an			     The major said that a
outstanding job so far, which others have			large fly population, open
noticed, the longer we stay we could fall			latrines, crowded living
into a dangerous routine and forget our			conditions and poor hand
reason for being here.					washing practices promote a
     We are in a contingency area conducting			bacteria-rich environment.
peacetime training.  Never lose sight of the			     "We know there are two
fact that in five minutes notice we could be		specific bacteria that bring on spells of
at war and complacancy could kill people.		diarrhea and vomiting."  he said.
Always keep that in mind.				     The major said that of the two strains
							of bacteria, E. coll presented the worse
HAL M. HORNBURG, Colonel, USAF			     "This type of bacteria can produce a
							scouring diarrhea, which accounts for
							the constant watery bowel movements,"  he
						      	    Major Pue said that the severe cases
							must be treated at the hospital because your
IN THE NEWS						body is dehydrated from the loss of  fluids.
						     	     "It's important that body fluid levels
KUWAIT-SAUDI ARABIA BORDER- - -Hundreds	are maintained to avoid other potential
of people are flooding across into Saudi			medical problems,"he said.
Arabia after Iraq unexpectedly opened the		The major said that the doctors are
border between the two countries.   Most of 		prescribing antibiotics to treat acute gastro
those arriving are Kuwaiti families and			intestinal distress, but for the long term it
foreign workers.						will be up to camp members to avoid repeats
     The refugees are telling of a collapse			of this problem.
of law and order in Kuwait, random killing,		  "No one develops an immunity to these
looting and dwindling food supplies.			bacteria, so the easiest way to break the
							cycle of transmission is by washing your
     NEW YORK - - - France and Canada have		hands,"  he said.
introduced a United Nations resolution to 		     "If everyone would make a stop at the
condemn Iraq for its raids on diplomatic			water buffalo to wash before entering the
premises in Kuwait City.  The resolution also		Dining Tent, they would be helping themselves
demands the immediate release of foreigners		and the camp community dramatically," the
In Iraq and Kuwait.					major said.
     Iraq denies the raids and said France is		
trying to justify planned aggresion against
it, although Iraq has agreed to release all
elderly and sick French nationals.
     PARIS - - -France has expelled some Iraqi			
diplomats and restricted others' movements in		A camp commander's call is Tuesday at 4
response to Iraq's continued aggression			and 7 p.m. in the MWR Warehouse.  Attendance
against Kuwait.						at one commander's call is mandatory.
     The French government also announced it
will send additional troops, ships and
aircraft to the Middle East,

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