File: 961031_950901_0508rept_00d.txt
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SCUD CHEMICAL AGENT COVERAGE PATTERNS - AUG 90 Filename:0508rept.00d Subject: SCUD CHEMICAL AGENT COVERAGE PATTERNS - AUG 90 Weapon / Agent Type / Fill Weight: SCUD B / GF / 352 kg Weapon Burst Height: 1,000 m AGL Met Condition: 98 deg F, 5 m/s windspeed, Pasquill category D (neutral) Time After Weapon Burst: 5 minutes Distance Deposition Dosage Downwind (m) (mg/m**2) (mg- min/m**3) O O O 1050 20 0 1080 120 1140 210 6 1200 310 11 1230 400 14 1320 500 21 1470 590 28 1590 590 29 1860 510 21 2160 400 8 2340 330 3 2370 270 2 2430 91 2490 17 0 2520 0 0 Time After Weapon Burst: 60 minutes Distance Deposition Dosage Downwind (m) (mg/m**2) (mg- min/m**3) O O O 1050 5 0 1080 31 8 1140 51 35 1200 73 60 1260 100 90 1440 120 150 1470 120 160 1680 100 180 1890 77 170 2200 49 140 2640 25 87 3180 10 48 3990 2 18 4220 0 10 4800 0 Weapon / Agent Type / Fill Weight: SCUD B / HD / 396 kg Weapon Burst Height: 1,000 m AGL Met Condition: 98 deg F, 5 m/s windspeed, Pasquill category D (neutral) Time After Weapon Burst: 5 minutes Distance Deposition Dosage Downwind (m) (mg/m**2) (mg- min/m**3) O O O 990 75 2 1020 170 6 1080 270 9 1110 390 16 1140 480 22 1200 600 31 1290 690 40 1380 740 45 1440 740 49 1590 690 46 1770 600 36 1950 520 25 2130 410 13 2340 310 6 2400 170 5 2430 98 4 2460 50 2 2490 0 2540 0 0 Time After Weapon Burst: 60 minutes Distance Deposition Dosage Downwind (m) (mg/m**2) (mg- min/m**3) O O O 990 16 8 1050 41 40 1110 80 80 1170 110 120 1320 120 200 1440 110 250 1680 81 250 1950 50 210 2280 26 160 2730 10 89 3000 5 59 3390 2 35 3690 1 23 3950 0 15 4140 0 9 4340 0 4 4900 0 7050 0 0 Question 3. Amount of GF and GB agents in the Iraqi arsenal? Answer #3: The exact amount of GF and GB is not known. Resumption of Sarin, GF, and mustard production was reported at the Samarra Chemical Warfare Facility during Spring 1990. [ (b)(1) sec 1.3(a)(4) ] April 1990 but also indicates cessation of activity in late July 1990. Based upon activity noted at some of the individual CW plants and their estimated production capacity, a total of 150-250 MT of Sarin and GF could have been produced. This would be enough to fill about eighteen (18) to twenty (20) thousand 122 mm artillery rockets if all the nerve agent were used for these rockets or approximately 2,500-4,500 two hundred and fifty kilogram aerial bombs if all the nerve agent were placed in bombs. In reality the Iraqis have probably produced a variety of munitions for their anticipated needs. The numbers of munitions are only provided to give an overall appreciation for the number of munitions in question and should not repeat should not be construed as being the actual numbers available. Question 4. Which of the following missiles can carry chemical agents? --SCUD B --Abbas --Hussein If any, which agent is most likely to be carried. Answer #4: The SCUD B, Al Abbas, and Al Hussein are all believed capable of carrying chemical warheads. The SCUD B is capable of carrying the most CW agent to its maximum range of approximately 300 kilometers. The Abbas and Hussein would carry less CW agent to their maximum ranges since both missiles, in whole or part, acquire extended range by reducing the payload. For any of the missiles, a unitary CW warhead would deliver more CW agent than a binary warhead. A binary system requires segregation of the chemical binary components prior to launch and may also need a device for mixing the binary components while in flight. All this adds weight and subtracts from the amount of agent deliverable. Additionally, the chemical reaction of the binary components, yielding agent, will not go to 100 percent during missile flight thereby reducing the amount of deliverable CW agent. The type of chemical agent deliverable is dependent upon whether the chemical warhead is binary or unitary. It's known that the Iraqis tested a binary chemical warhead on a missile in the Spring of 1990 and we believe that a limited number of such warheads are available. We do not exclude the possibility that unitary CW warheads are available. Binary Chemical Warheads: There are only two confirmed Iraqi CW agents, Sarin and GF, which can be used for binary warheads. Sarin is suitable since it can be produced by mixing difluorophosphonic acid (Difluoro or DF) with isopropyl alcohol. GF is suitable since it can be produced by mixing Difluoro with a different type of alcohol, cyclohexanol. The only other possibility would be nerve agent Soman which theoretically could be made in a binary system by mixing Difluoro with pinocolyl alcohol. We know the Iraqis have tried to acquire pinocolyl alcohol since 1988 but do not believe they were successful. The Iraqis would want to deliver the CW agent with the most persistence. Of the three agents mentioned, GF would be the most likely CW agent delivered in a binary system. Unitary Chemical Warheads: Unitary warheads would permit the Iraqis to deliver any of the CW agents in their inventory. The agents of choice would be the most persistent-- VX and/or mustard. Mustard is a confirmed agent. Three-to-five hundred metric tons of mustard are believed available in munitions and bulk. We know the Iraqis have the technology and equipment to produce VX. Precursor chemicals have been in country since 1988 which would enable them to produce as much as two hundred metric tons of VX. We believe VX has been produced but do not know how much. If a limited amount (e.g. ten metric tons) of VX is available, this would be enough for approximately twenty SCUD B chemical warheads. Question 5. Type of artillery commonly used by Iraq for CW delivery. Answer #5: One hundred and twenty-two (122) millimeter rockets were widely used by the Iraqis during the final phase of the Iran/Iraq War. For example, in the short-lived Al Faw battle in April 1988, an estimated 1500-2,000 122 mm rockets were used. The Iraqis devised rockets with an inner metal tube which would accept at least two, and possibly three, plastic bottles containing CW agent. The plastic bottles enable the Iraqis to mix or match chemical agents. Each rocket is assessed to carry 8-12 kilograms of agent. The Iraqis used 82 mm mortars to deliver the riot control agent, CS, and probably mustard, as well as 120 mm mortars for Sarin, mustard, and CS. Tube artillery included: 130 mm for Sarin and mustard; 152 mm for Sarin, GF and CS; and 155 mm for Sarin, GF and mustard. Question 7. Request info on chemical agent contaminating radius primarily for SCUD but also for other commonly used CW agent delivery systems: --105 degrees --O kts wind --Terrain: desert pavement --Fuzing: airburst Answer #7: The following information is preliminary repeat preliminary based upon programs available at the time of your request. Meteorological conditions are not as requested and CW warhead fill weights would be too low for unitary SCUD B warheads. More refined and comprehensive information on missile warheads and other known Iraqi chemical munitions will be provided as soon as possible under separate cover. IRAQI CHEMICAL MUNITIONS KNOWN IRAQI CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENTS ~A GB GF HD CS D-HD RemarkS ? X(P) X 1.6kg X X 1.6kg X 3.0kg 3.0kg X 3.0kg X X ? ? X 8.0kg X X SSkg X ? 512kg (at 300km) ? 80kg (at 6OOkm) ? 22Okg (at 6OOkm) * Preferrod weapon for artillery chemical attacks ** unguided rocket *** binary chemical fills * * * * binary and uni tary f i lls ? assessed fills are sarin and/or GF p possible GA = Tabun, non-persistent nerve agent GB = Sarin, non-persistent nerve agent GF = GF, semipersistent nerve agent HD = Mustard ( sulfur), persistent blister agent CS = Riot control agent, not considered a CW agent by U.S. D-HD = Dusty mustard IRAQI CHEMICAL MUNITIONS KNOWN IRAQI CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENTS ~A GB GF HD CS D-HD RemarkS ? X(P) X 1.6kg X X 1.6kg X 3.0kg 3.0kg X 3.0kg X X ? ? X 8.0kg X X SSkg X ? 512kg (at 300km) ? 80kg (at 6OOkm) ? 22Okg (at 6OOkm) * Preferred weapon for artillery chemical attacks ** unguided rocket *** binary chemical fills * * * OUTHERN IRAQ NEAR THE KUWAITI BORDER, APPROXIMATELY 10KM EAST OF THE SAFWAN AIRFIELD IN THE VICINITY OF 300722N 0474536E. AT THE FIRST SITE, ONE V-SHAPED DECONTAMINATION TRENCH WAS NEARING COMPLETION AND SECOND, LOCATED JUST OUTSIDE THE SECURITY FENCE AT THE AIRFIELD, WAS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. THESE TRENCHES WERE BEGUN SINCE 15 SEPTEM