Ballistic Missiles and Space Launch Vehicles (SLV)
Deployed in the Middle East1
RANGE (km) |
PAYLOAD (kg) |
Ababil-50 |
50 |
95 |
Indigenous |
Iraq |
Al Hussein2 |
650 |
500 |
Indigenous/Russia |
Iraq |
CSS-2 [DF-3] |
2,800 |
2,150 |
China |
Saudi Arabia |
CSS-8 |
150 |
190 |
China |
Iran |
Jericho-1 |
500 |
500 |
Indigenous/France |
Israel |
Jericho-2 |
1,500 |
1,000 |
Indigenous/USA3 |
Israel |
MGM-52 Lance |
130 |
450 |
Israel |
160 |
450 |
Turkey |
Mushak-120 |
130 |
150 |
Indigenous |
Iran |
Mushak-160 |
160 |
500 |
Indigenous/China |
Iran |
Mushak-200 |
200 |
500 |
Indigenous/China |
Iran |
Project T |
450 |
985 |
North Korea |
Egypt |
Scud-B |
300 |
985 |
Russia |
Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, UAE |
Scud-C |
500 |
700 |
North Korea |
Iran, Syria |
Scud-C |
5504 |
500 |
North Korea |
Libya |
Shavit (SLV) |
4,500 |
150-200 |
Indigenous |
Israel |
SS-21 Scarab |
70 |
480 |
Russia |
Libya, Syria, Yemen |
- This list summarizes information available from public sources. Data
were drawn primarily from: "Missile and Space Launch Capabilities of Selected
Countries," The Nonproliferation Review, forthcoming 1998. Duncan Lennox, ed.,
Jane's Strategic Weapons Systems Issue 24, 5/97. Centre for Defence and
International Security Studies, "Master Tables," [Online]
Federation of American Scientists, "Missile Proliferation Update," [Online]
Data were also drawn from articles in: Air &
Cosmos/Aviation International, Arms Control Reporter, Arms Control Today, Defense News,
Ha'aretz, International Herald Tribune, Flight International, Jane's Defence
Weekly, Jane's Intelligence Review, Jerusalem Post, Los Angeles Times, New York
Times, Nuclear News, Policy Watch, Report on Middle East Affairs, Sueddeutsche Zeitung,
Voprosy bezaposnosti, Washington Times, Weekly Defense Monitor, and Yedi'ot
Additional sources consulted: Ian O. Lesser and Ashley J. Tellis,
Strategic Exposure: Proliferation Around the Mediterranean (Santa Monica: RAND,
1996). [Study Prepared for the United States Army]. Zeev Eytan, "Regional Military
Forces," The Middle East Military Balance, 1993-94 (Tel Aviv: Jaffee Center
for Strategic Studies, 1994). Bates Gill, Silkworms and Summitry; Chinese Arms Exports
to Iran and US-China Relations (Asia and Pacific Rim Institute of the American Jewish
Committee, 1998). Dilip Hiro, The Longest War: The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict (London:
Grafton Books, 1989). Foreign Defense Assistance and Defense Export Organization
(SIBAT), Israel's Defense Sales Directory, 1997/98 (Tel Aviv: Ministry of Defense,
- Iraq may retain a small number of complete Al Hussein (modified Scud-B)
missiles as well as components for dozens more. Michael Eisenstadt, "Iraq's Weapons
of Mass Destruction (WMD): Unresolved Issues," Policywatch#304, 2/27/98,
[Online] Anthony H. Cordesman, "Weapons of Mass
Destruction in the Middle East: National Efforts, War Fighting Capabilities, Weapons
Lethality, Terrorism and Arms Control Implications" (Washington, DC: Center for
Strategic and International Studies, 2/98). US Government White Paper, "Iraq Weapons
of Mass Destruction Programs," 2/13/98, [Online]
- The Jericho-2 guidance system and other components may be based on technology from the
US Pershing-2 intermediate-range ballistic missile, and from the joint US-Israel Arrow
anti-missile missile program. Harold Hough, "Israel's Nuclear Infrastructure," Jane's
Intelligence Review, 11/94, pp. 508-511. "Israel Aims To Improve Missile
Accuracy," Risk Report, 6/95, p. 9. Washington Times, 3/13/92, pp. A6,
- The Libyan Scud-C achieves a longer range by reducing the payload.
Prepared by Michael Barletta and Erik Jorgensen,
� Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies. May
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