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File: 961031_950825_053pgv_oop.txt
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IZ CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARHEAD THREAT Filename:053pgv.oop [ (b)(2) ] SUBJECT: IZ CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARHEAD THREAT [ (b)(1) sec 1.3(a)(4) ] Iraq has successfully test launched a surface-to-surface missile carrying a binary chemical warhead. While DIA has long assessed that Iraq has had the capability to produce a chemical warhead, physical evidence such as a test launch [ (b)(1) sec 1.3(a)(4) ] of chemical warheads does not exist. Furthermore, the accuracy of Iraq's SCUD and SCUD variant missiles' are so poor at extended ranges and so little agent would be' contained in each missile that upwards of 60 missiles would need to be directed against an airfield to pose a significant military threat. The SCUD missile as the Al Hussayn can carry a chemical warhead of 350-400 kg over a distance of 475-500 kilometerS, with a CEP of 1-2 kilometers. The Al Hussayn missile can take a warhead of less than 100 kg to about 600 kilometers, with a CEP of 2-3 kilometers. The Al Abbas can deliver a 200 kg warhead to a range of 600 km in width a CEP of 3-5 km. AIRBURST. [ (b)(1) sec 1.3(a)(4) ] Iraq only possesses mobile TELs, 29 fixed launchers in Western Iraq, 3 launch sites with 4 positions each in Southern Iraq without missiles, and 6 flat bed trucks modified as TELs. The 29 fixed launchers in Western Iraq are not in range of U.S. forces [ (b)(1) sec 1.3(a)(5) ] The three sites in southern Iraq are within range of U.S. forces if the extended range Al Abbas and Al flussayn are used, but are not a significant military threat to U.S forces. The most significant threat to U.S forces is if Iraq has deployed their SCUDS to Southern Kuwait. [ (b)(1) sec 1.3(a)(4) ] SCUDs were in Kuwait; however, [ (b)(1) sec 1.3(a)(4) ] unable to confirm SCUDs at airfields. US forces are within 350 kilometers from the Al Salem airfield in Southern Kuwait, well within range to become a significant military threat. If Iraq has placed mobile launchers at the Al Jaber airfield, US forces are within 300 kilometers. Iraq has a research and development program for biological weapons and is assessed to produce anthrax and botulinum toxin Iraq is assessed to have a limited number of biological weapons. [ (b)(1) sec 1.3(a)(2) ] [ (b)(1) sec 1.3(a)(2) ] to the lethality, persistence, and delayed effects of BW agents, long range delivery systems including aerial bombs and missile warheads would be the preferred delivery means.
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