Newspaper (in chronological order)
Tice J. Liquid logistics imperative in the desert. Army Times, August 20, 1990:22.
Gerstenzang J. Had "no choice" other than war, Bush says. Los Angeles Times. January 17, 1991:A1.
Malnic E, Rosenstiel T. World hears war begin live from Baghdad. Los Angeles Times. January 17, 1991:A1.
Nelson J. US bombs Baghdad: allied jets raid targets across Iraq. Los Angeles Times. January 17, 1991:A1.
Broder JM. Allied raids achieve 2 goals but miss SCUDs. Los Angeles Times. January 18, 1991:A1.
Fritz S, Vartabedian R. High-tech warfare-a new era. Los Angeles Times. January 18, 1991:A1.
Goldberg C. Israelis awaken to harsh impact of Iraqi missiles. Los Angeles Times. January 18, 1991:A1.
Murphy K. Pilots relive 1st combat: "Most scary thing...." Los Angeles Times. January 18, 1991:A1.
Tuohy W, Nelson J. Iraqi missiles strike Israel: massive air attacks by allies continuing. Los Angeles Times. January 18, 1991:A1.
Abramson R, Healy M. US jets now aiming at dug-in Iraq soldiers. Los Angeles Times. January 19, 1991:A1.
Dolan M. War affects ecology �but how? Los Angeles Times 1991(January 19, 1991):A1.
Goldberg C, Murphy K. More Iraqi missiles hit Israel: allied jets pound targets at Sortie� a minute pace. Los Angeles Times. January 19, 1991:A1.
Healy M, Kennedy JM. US rushes defenses to Israel: American troops to operate two patriot batteries. Los Angeles Times. January 19, 1991:A1.
Lauter D, Tumulty K. Hunt for mobile launchers seen as most difficult. Los Angeles Times. January 19, 1991:A1.
Miller A. Tensions high for US Jews. Los Angeles Times. January 19, 1991:A1.
Murphy K. Ground combat flares between US and Iraq. Los Angeles Times. January 19, 1991:A1.
Chen E, Stewart RW. Held in the grip of the enemy. Los Angeles Times. January 21, 1991:A1.
Count tops 80 as more Iraqi planes fly to shelter in Iran. Los Angeles Times. January 21, 1991:A1.
Healy M, Frantz D. SCUD attack on Saudis is thwarted, US says. Los Angeles Times. January 21, 1991:A1.
Kennedy J, Lauter D. Iraq displays American POWs: 9 SCUD missiles aimed at Saudi Arabia shot down. Los Angeles Times. January 21, 1991:A1.
Murphy K. Daring raid rescues US pilot in Iraq. Los Angeles Times. January 22,1991:A1.
Fineman M, Gerstenzang J. POWs to be shields, Iraq says. Los Angeles Times. January 22, 1991:A1.
Frantz D. GIs ambush nighttime Iraqi probes. Los Angeles Times. January 22, 1991:A1.
Healy M. High-tech missile hits bull�s-eye. Los Angeles Times. January 22, 1991:A1.
McManus D. US may add removal of Hussein to its war goals. Los Angeles Times. January 22, 1991:A1.
Ostrow R, Wright R. Israel lacked US codes to protect its jets. Los Angeles Times. January 22, 1991:A1.
Fineman M. Refugees carry tales of terror from Baghdad. Los Angeles Times. January 23, 1991:A1.
Goldberg C, Williams D. Images of chaos, pain, surprise amid the debris. Los Angeles Times. January 23, 1991:A1.
Williams D, Goldberg C. Missile strikes Tel Aviv; 3 die. Los Angeles Times. January 23, 1991:A1.
Drogin B, Ostrow RJ. Signs of Iraqi-trained terror network found. Los Angeles Times. January 24, 1991:A1.
Healy M. Iraq defeat certain, US says. Los Angeles Times. January 24, 1991:A1.
Williams D. SCUD downing fails to blunt Israelis� anger. Los Angeles Times. January 24, 1991:A1.
Kennedy J, Murphy K. French in 1st Iraq air strike; allied planes to step up attack. Los Angeles Times. January 25, 1991:A1.
Lamb D. New breed of warriors�women�closer to front. Los Angeles Times. January 25, 1991:A1.
Murphy K. Saudi pilot downs 2 Iraqi jets over the Gulf. Los Angeles Times. January 25, 1991:A1.
Williams NJ. Syria stalls Iraqi bid to widen war. Los Angeles Times. January 25, 1991:A1.
Broder JM, Dolan M. Iraq unleashing oil into Gulf: 11 missiles fired at Tel Aviv, Saudi Arabia; 2 killed. Los Angeles Times. January 26, 1991:A1.
Dye L, Fineman M. Decade of digging aids Iraq. Los Angeles Times. January 26, 1991:A1.
Healy M, Broder JM. Key US goal: route of elite Iraqi troops. Los Angeles Times. January 26, 1991:A1.
Williams D, Kennedy J. Patriots shoot down 6 of 7 SCUDs over Israel. Los Angeles Times. January 26, 1991:A1.
Hager P. Obeying the rules of warfare. Los Angeles Times. January 27, 1991:A1.
Mann J. Iran�s nuclear plans worry US officials. Los Angeles Times. January 27, 1991:A1.
Murphy K, Wallace CP. Nations rally to curb oil spill: Iraqi warplanes land in Iran; 5 SCUDS intercepted. Los Angeles Times. January 27, 1991:A1.
Williams Jr NB, Broder JM. US says Tehran will hold the Iraqi aircraft. Los Angeles Times. January 27, 1991:A1.
Wilkinson T. Psychological impact of war affects home front. Los Angeles Times. January 27, 1991:A1.
Dolan M, Balzar J. Environmentalists� worst predictions coming true. Los Angeles Times. January 28, 1991:A1.
Fineman M. What�s next on Hussein�s war agenda? Just listen. Los Angeles Times. January 28, 1991:A1.
Healy M. Schwarzkopf says political reins add risks. Los Angeles Times. January 28, 1991:A1.
Miller A, Corwin M. This war stirs pains of the last. Los Angeles Times. January 28, 1991:A1.
Murphy K. Pipelines bombed to halt spill: no need to rush into ground conflict, Cheney says. Los Angeles Times. January 28, 1991:A1.
Count tops 80 as more Iraqi planes fly to shelter in Iran. Los Angeles Times. January 29, 1991:A1.
Lamb D, Balzar J. Dhahran adapts to wartime. Los Angeles Times. January 29, 1991:A1.
Broder JM, Wright R. Experts "dumbstruck" by Iraqi planes in Iran. Los Angeles Times. January 29, 1991:A1.
Fineman M. Anguished refugees from Iraq pouring into Jordan. Los Angeles Times. January 29, 1991:A1.
Fineman M. Hussein issues boasts, threats in TV interview. Los Angeles Times. January 29, 1991:A1.
Murphy K. US bombing appears to halt Gulf oil spill. Los Angeles Times. January 29, 1991:A1.
Gerstenzang J. "We will succeed," Bush says: US softens terms for an Iraqi pullout to stop war. Los Angeles Times. January 30, 1991:A1.
Lauter D, McManus D. "Unequivocal" pledge by Hussein is needed. Los Angeles Times. January 30, 1991:A1.
Kennedy J, Wright R. Marines pound Iraqi bunkers, lookout posts. Los Angeles Times. January 30, 1991:A1.
Balzar J, Frantz D. Saudi truck stop an oasis for GIs on the road to war. Los Angeles Times. January 30, 1991:A1.
Kennedy J. Allies battle for Saudi town: enemy air force no longer a factor: Schwarzkopf. Los Angeles Times. January 30, 1991:A1.
Tumulty K, Ostrow RJ. Smuggling into Iraq continues despite war. Los Angeles Times. January 30, 1991:A1.
Healy M, Broder J. Allies control air; picture on land is unclear. Los Angeles Times. January 31, 1991:A1.
Kennedy JM. General gives detailed, upbeat review of war. Los Angeles Times. January 31, 1991:A1.
McManus D, Wright R. US denies it�s easing terms for ending war. Los Angeles Times. January 31, 1991:A1.
Williams D, Goldberg C. Direct hit on psyche of Israel. Los Angeles Times. January 31, 1991:A1.
Chen E. Kuwait city steels itself for big battle. Los Angeles Times. February 1, 1991:A1.
Kennedy J, Broder J. Allies drive Iraqis from Saudi town and take 167 prisoners. Los Angeles Times. February 1, 1991:A1.
Balzar J. Troops caught behind lines, spy on enemy. Los Angeles Times. February 1, 1991:A1.
Tessler R, Gorman T. Grieving begins for Marines killed in Gulf. Los Angeles Times. February 1, 1991:A1.
Kennedy J. New strategy may bring end to SCUD threat. Los Angeles Times. February 2, 1991:A1.
Broder JM, Kennedy JM. US planes pummel Iraqis along border. Los Angeles Times. February 2, 1991:A1.
Kennedy J, Murphy K. Allies pound Iraqis; 2 US planes downed. Los Angeles Times. February 3, 1991:A1.
Broder JM, Healy M. Allied ground push in 20 days foreseen. Los Angeles Times. February 3, 1991:A1.
Freed D. Boning up on Iraq�s way of war. Los Angeles Times. February 3, 1991:A1.
Kennedy J. B-52 goes down in ocean; 6 dead in copter crashes. Los Angeles Times. February 4, 1991:A1.
Rosenstiel TB. Allies, Iraqis trading shots in image war. Los Angeles Times. February 4, 1991:A1.
Fineman M. Refugees from Iraq describe hellish scenes. Los Angeles Times. February 5, 1991:A1.
Kennedy J. Iraqis shelter troops, jets in civilian areas. Los Angeles Times. February 5, 1991:A1.
Lauter D. High-tech war hopes overdrawn. Los Angeles Times. February 5, 1991:A1.
Fineman M. Iraq cuts off fuel sales to its people. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991:A1.
Healy M, Stewart RW. It�s high tide for the Marines. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991:A1.
Kennedy J. Allies pour it on in Iraq and Kuwait. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991:A1.
Lamb D. Fiercest air assault ever being planned. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991:A1.
Mann J. Bush�s signal: Iraqis should oust Hussein. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991:A1.
Nelson J. Land war timing up to military, Bush says. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991:A1.
Vartabedian R. US risking its hard-won stealth secrets in Gulf War. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991:A1.
Kempster N. US, allies might help Iraq rebuild after war, Baker says. Los Angeles Times. February 7, 1991:A1.
Kennedy JM, Murphy K. US jets down 2 Iraqi planes fleeing to Iran. Los Angeles Times. February 7, 1991:A1.
Murphy K. Iraq army units under strength, POWs report. Los Angeles Times. February 7, 1991:A1.
Broder JM. "Dumb" bombs cause heavy damage in Basra. Los Angeles Times. February 8, 1991:A1.
Healy M, Balzar J. Cheney hints at an early ground war. Los Angeles Times. February 8, 1991:A1.
Mann J, Rosenstiel TB. War news: blinding effect? Los Angeles Times. February 8, 1991:A1.
Kennedy J, Healy M. Allies press air war, report 600 tank kills. Los Angeles Times. February 9, 1991:A1.
Lamb D. Allies hope to exploit Iraqi lack of mobility. Los Angeles Times. February 9, 1991:A1.
Maze R. Researchers find few post-war mental problems. Navy Times. September 30, 1991.
Reuters. UN teams ready to destroy Iraqi chemical arms. Independent, United Kingdom. February 21, 1992:10.
Nelson S. Act now on Gulf war-related medical claims. Navy Times. April 13, 1992.
Pexton P. Desert sickness mystery solved. Navy Times. May 25, 1992.
Nelson S. Doctors: oil fires, illnesses not linked. Navy Times. September 9, 1992:10.
Baffling illnesses can"t be "written off as stress." Navy Times. October 5, 1992.
Nelson S. Sick Gulf vets demand care for mystery illness. Navy Times. October 5, 1992:21.
Matthews W. Parasite eliminated Gulf vets as blood donors. Navy Times. November 23, 1992.
Pexton P. Medical experts check out sick Gulf vets. Navy Times. November 23, 1992.
Ankney B. Iraq possessed large biological research program, UN team says. US Med 1992; 28:3, 40-41.
Persian Gulf medical registry. Navy Times. January 18, 1993.
Pentagon warns troops about uranium. Milwaukee Journal. January 26, 1993.
Vets ills may be tied to weapons. Boston Herald. March 18, 1993.
Radiation may be root of Gulf ills. Navy Times. March 29, 1993:2.
In search of a cause. Navy Times. April 12, 1993:22.
Willis G. VA "morally obligated" to treat Gulf War�s sick. Navy Times. May 17, 1993:27.
Guard soldiers fight illness. Ledger, Lakeland, FL. June 6, 1993.
Officials: Fill in paperwork for illness. Ledger, Lakeland, FL. June 6, 1993.
Nelson SS. Group says sick Gulf vets are getting the runaround. Navy Times. June 13, 1993.
Gulf War hits home, painfully. Army Times. June 21, 1993.
Ill vets suspect chemical weapons. Birmingham News. June 27, 1993.
Facing Persian Gulf syndrome. Philadelphia Inquirer. July 7, 1993.
Gulf War vet takes claim to Washington. Tribune Star, Terre Haute, IN. August 16, 1993.
Survey of Gulf vets� ills surprises VA. Birmingham News. September 19, 1993.
Maze R, Nelson SS. A search for what"s ailing Gulf War vets. Navy Times. September 27, 1993:20.
Toxic battlefield. Gazette Telegraph, Colorado Springs, CO. November 14, 1993.
Sick and tired: a Gulf War legacy. Columbus Dispatch. November 29, 1993.
Nelson SS. Hill OKs care for Gulf vets with mysterious syndrome. Navy Times. December 6, 1993:10.
Ailing veterans vs. the VA. USA Today. December 14, 1993:2A.
Nelson SS. Evidence of chemical warfare in Gulf mounts. Navy Times. December 20, 1993:8.
Matthews W. Aspin: the future of warfare is now. Navy Times. December 20, 1993:8.
Desert Storm illnesses. Birmingham News. 93/Special Edition.
McCrary L. Gulf War illnesses spreading: symptoms afflict families of veterans. San Diego Union-Tribune. March 7, 1994:A1.
Parks D, Brumas M. Illness inquiry bungled, says NIH panel. Birmingham Post-Herald. April 30, 1994.
Nelson S, Muradian V, Fuentes G. Why are we sick? Army Times. April 25, 1994:12-23.
Nelson S. Texas testing on Desert sick. Navy Times. May 23, 1994:6.
Associated Press. Iraq rockets bathed US troops in chemicals, senator reports. Los Angeles Times. May 25, 1994.
Hotline for sick vets. Navy Times. June 4, 1994:10.
Nelson S, Hudson N. No involuntary outs for sick Gulf vets. Navy Times. June 4, 1994:10.
Nelson S. DoD opens its files to close a case. Navy Times. June 4, 1994:10.
Somalia vets get usual exam. Navy Times. June 4, 1994:10.
Nelson S. Ailing Gulf vets get a stronger voice. Navy Times. June 13, 1994:16.
Stoka M. SD research center plans new study of Gulf War veterans. Compass. July 15, 1994:A7.
Brown D. Colonel loses ground to faceless enemy. Washington Post. July 24, 1994:A1, A8.
Brown D. Studies will frame a picture of Gulf veterans� problems. Washington Post. July 24, 1994:A1.
Brown D. The search for causes. Washington Post. July 25, 1994.
Brown D. Triumphant in the desert, stricken at home. Washington Post. July 25, 1994:A1.
McAllister B. Compassion may take act of Congress. Washington Post. July 25, 1994:A1.
Murphy C. In Iraq, "Every day worse than the day before." Washington Post. July 25, 1994:A1.
Nelson S. Testing for Gulf War illnesses is a waste, panel says. Navy Times. July 25, 1994:25.
Disease and the Gulf War. Washington Post. July 30, 1994:A16.
Ritter J. Gulf troops lacked protection from toxins. USA Today. August 5, 1994:A1, 2A.
Ritter J. A family�s painful story: offspring pay the price. USA Today. August 5, 1994:2A.
Nelson S. Tests of Gulf vets support claims but offer no answers. Navy Times. August 15, 1994:25.
Gulf War syndrome, drug may be linked. Hartford Courant. September 7, 1994.
Quindlen A. Casualties of war. New York Times. October 5, 1994:23.
Covering up a mystery ailment. St. Louis Post Dispatch. October 11, 1994.
Joyce M. Zeroing in on Gulf syndrome. Virginian-Pilot. October 19, 1994:B1, B2.
Musitelli R. SC council OKs ban on Gulf vet blood donations. Sentinel. October 26, 1994:A3.
Bernstein D, Kelly T. Birth defects, other maladies affect vets� kids. Espresso Times. November 1-15, 1994.
Associated Press. Perot organizes medical study of Gulf War veterans� illness. Huntsville Times. November 14, 1994.
Stump B. One-stop training gets a look. Navy Times. November 14, 1994.
Perot targets Gulf War vets. Huntsville Times. November 15, 1994:B4.
Bonvie L, Bonvie B. Gulf War�s toxic truth. Plain Dealer. November 27, 1994:1C.
Mothers search for answers. Charlotte Observer. November 28, 1994.
Nelson S. Most sick Gulf vets show no link to war. Navy Times. November 28, 1994:10.
Gulf War sickness. USA Today. December 1, 1994.
Parks D. Ill vets no threat, VA doctor says. Birmingham News. December 1, 1994.
Brewer N, Hanchette J. VA official says there is no Persian Gulf Syndrome. Potomac News. December 2, 1994.
Roswell R. Gulf War vets may be sick, but they�re not contagious. Birmingham News. December 5, 1994.
Looking for answers. Birmingham News. December 6, 1994.
Duerksen S. Exhaustion without end. San Diego Union-Tribune. December 7, 1994:E1, E4.
Numbers swamping study of sick Gulf vets. Birmingham News. December 13, 1994:8A.
Brown D. Gulf War syndrome study pinpoints no single cause. Washington Post. December 14, 1994.
Gertz B. 15% of sick Gulf veterans suffer unexplainable maladies. Washington Post. December 14, 1994.
Pentagon says single cause of Gulf War illnesses unlikely. Fayetteville Observer-Times. December 14, 1994.
Pentagon: no single Gulf illness cause. USA Today. December 14, 1994.
Nelson S. Desert Storm illness stumps medics. Army Times. December 26, 1994.
DoD to begin active-duty enrollment. US Med 1994; 30(15-16):1.
Gulf-War illness research slammed. Washington Times. January 5, 1995:A4.
Mercury News Wire Services. Gore urged to coordinate Gulf War illness research. San Jose Mercury News. January 5, 1995:7A.
Neergaard L. Gulf War syndrome research attacked. San Diego Union-Tribune. January 5, 1995:A8.
No evidence chemical weapons used in Gulf War, panel says. Washington Post. January 5, 1995:A6.
Harris ED. Gulf War syndrome. The Pentagram. January 6, 1995.
Scripps Howard News Service. Army studying Gulf War babies. Scripps Howard News Service. January 19, 1995.
Bonvie L, Bonvie B. Chemicals made a toxic cocktail. San Diego Union-Tribune. February 5, 1995:G3.
Fumento M. Symptoms are the result of hype. San Diego Union-Tribune. February 5, 1995:G3.
Nelson SS. Sick veterans may get relief. Army Times. January 9, 1995.
Williams TD. Pentagon accused of withholding evidence of Gulf War chemical use. Hartford Courant. February 20, 1995.
Knight-Ridder News Service. Painful sex joins Gulf syndrome symptoms. Oregonian. March 1, 1995.
Ritter J. GIs ill-prepared for the detection of chemical arms. USA Today. March 2, 1995.
Gannett News Service. Gulf vets report painful sex symptom. San Jose Mercury News. March 5, 1995.
Maggrett D. Gulf War syndrome researchers now focusing on human reproduction. Stars and Stripes. March 6, 1995-12:2.
Associated Press. Veterans cuts attacked. Baltimore Sun. March 7, 1995.
Bedard P. Clinton vows aid for sick Gulf vets. The Washington Times. March 7, 1995.
Harris JF. Clinton woos lukewarm veterans. The Washington Post. March 7, 1995:A7.
Jehl D. Clinton to create panel to look into Gulf War illnesses. New York Times. March 7, 1995:A14.
New York Times News Service. Clinton creates Gulf War syndrome panel. San Diego Union-Tribune. March 7, 1995:A6.
Nichols B, Ritter J. Clinton vows research push on Gulf illness. USA Today. March 7, 1995:1.
Richter P. Clinton attacks GOP on health care for vets. Philadelphia Inquirer. March 7, 1995.
Ritter J. Study bolsters Gulf War veterans� claims. USA Today. March 10, 1995:3A.
Some Gulf War illnesses remain undiagnosed. Washington Times. March 10, 1995:A6.
Summers HG. Gulf War syndrome pursuit. Washington Times. March 11, 1995:D1.
Dissecting a medical mystery: federal panel will seek causes of symptoms suffered by thousands of Gulf War veterans. Los Angeles Times. March 13, 1995:A10.
Ailing vets oppose Deutch as CIA head. Navy Times. March 27, 1995:16.
Hunt for Gulf syndrome bashed. Army Times. March 27, 1995.
"One-issue group" sets goal. Army Times. March 27, 1995.
Nelson SS. Sick Gulf vets take issue with nomination of Deutch to CIA. Army Times. March 27, 1995.
Nelson SS. Groups unite over Desert Storm illness. Army Times. March 27, 1995:16.
Nelson SS, Matthews W. Pick up pace of Gulf War research, lawmakers say. Navy Times. March 27, 1995:17.
Duerksen S. Two Gulf War veterans given disability checks. San Diego Union-Tribune. April 1995/27.
Associated Press. Gulf syndrome theory points to chemical mix. Washington Post. April 10, 1995:A6.
Associated Press. Pills may be culprits in Gulf War sickness. Washington Times. April 10, 1995:A3.
Castaneda CJ. Insecticides may cause Gulf illness. USA Today. April 10, 1995.
Nelson SS. Combining chemicals may be link to Gulf ills. Army Times. April 24, 1995.
CIA reviewing data on Gulf War illness. Washington Times. April 26, 1995.
Gulf War sickness. USA Today. April 26, 1995.
Herbeck D, Vogel M. FBI checks medical file of McVeigh. Buffalo News. April 28, 1995.
Frank A. A hidden enemy strikes. Star-Ledger. April 29, 1995.
Reuters. "Gulf War syndrome" a new bombing angle. Washington Times. April 29, 1995:A5.
Department of Veterans Affairs. Persian Gulf Review. Department of Veterans Affairs. April 1995:1-8.
Blazar E. Going where the action is. Navy Times. May 1, 1995.
Burlage J. The new 5th fleet. Navy Times. May 1, 1995.
Release speeded on Gulf War papers. Navy Times. May 1, 1995.
Wolfe J. Secrecy to lift for Gulf War�s ill vets. Army Times. May 1, 1995.
Riegle DW, Jr, Tuite JJ, III. CIA nominee misled on Gulf syndrome. New York Times. May 5, 1995:A30.
Adde N. Appeals court hears Gulf War desertion cases. Army Times. May 8, 1995.
Deutch J. Pentagon takes Gulf syndrome seriously. New York Times. May 8, 1995:A18.
Nelson SS. Compensation slow, uncertain for Gulf vets. Navy Times. May 8, 1995:18.
Nelson SS. Gulf vets: sick and tired. Navy Times. May 8, 1995:10.
Nelson SS. Falling through the cracks. Army Times. May 8, 1995.
Pentagon backs Gulf ills study. Washington Post. May 24, 1995:A23.
Grants to fund Gulf War disease study. Washington Times. May 24, 1995:A7.
Iraq says shells caused sickness. Washington Post. May 25, 1995:A39.
Bedard P. Panel created to probe Gulf illnesses. Washington Times. May 27, 1995:A4.
Panel to review Gulf War illnesses. Washington Times. May 29, 1995:A4.
Nelson SS. Gulf vets� claims stymied. Army Times. June 5, 1995.
After four years, little progress on Gulf War syndrome. Gannett News Service. June 9, 1995.
Brewer N. Gulf illnesses still a mystery. Potomac News. June 13, 1995:A1, A3.
Gulf vets have more ailments, study finds. Reuters. June 15, 1995.
Gulf veterans susceptible to ailments. Washington Times. June 16, 1995:A6.
Morgan D. Gulf vets have more ailments, study finds. Washington Post. June 16, 1995.
Nelson SS. Gulf ills spur new studies. Army Times. June 19, 1995.
Nelson SS. Indiana�s reservists still sick, unhappy. Army Times. June 19, 1995:23.
Nelson SS. Panel probes Gulf syndrome effort. Army Times. June 19, 1995.
Blair M. Government lying to vets about Gulf War syndrome. Spotlight. July 2, 1995:12-13.
Iraq admits to germ weapons. Los Angeles Times. July 6, 1995:A1.
Iraq says it worked on germ warfare: UN doubts claim of program�s end. Washington Times. July 6, 1995:A13.
More illness found among Gulf vets: CDC study contradicts earlier data. Washington Times. July 6, 1995:A4.
Smith RJ. Iraq had program for germ warfare. Washington Post. July 6, 1995:A1, A17.
Gulf War syndrome. Maine Sunday Telegram. July 9, 1995.
Associated Press. Pentagon says there is no Gulf disease. Washington Times. August 2, 1995:A4.
Associated Press. Pentagon study finds no Gulf War malady claimed by veterans, relatives. Baltimore Sun. August 2, 1995:12.
Associated Press. Pentagon research finds no mystery Gulf War disease. Philadelphia Inquirer. August 2, 1995:11.
Associated Press. Study finds no evidence of Gulf War illness. New York Times. August 2, 1995:A17.
For the record: from remarks by Dr. Stephen Joseph, an assistant secretary of defense, on the "Gulf War syndrome" at a Pentagon news briefing yesterday. Washington Post. August 2, 1995:24.
Gulf War syndrome: no mystery malady. USA Today. August 2, 1995:3.
In brief. Wall Street Journal. August 2, 1995:1.
Pine A. Government study of veterans finds no evidence of "Gulf War disease." Los Angeles Times. August 2, 1995.
Gulf War vets. Washington Post. August 3, 1995:C7.
Nelson SS. Gulf War papers, coming soon to computer. Navy Times. August 7, 1995:8.
Associated Press. Medical experts fault Pentagon for rejecting Gulf War syndrome. San Diego Union-Tribune. August 15, 1995.
Associated Press. Pentagon disputed on Gulf War illness. Washington Times. August 15, 1995:A15.
Associated Press. Experts question Defense denial: Gulf War illness to be restudied. Washington Post. August 15, 1995:A5.
Gulf War illness. USA Today. August 15, 1995.
Milton P. New York airports on alert for possible terrorist attack. San Diego Union-Tribune. August 15, 1995.
Purdum TS. First Lady urges study of ailments of Gulf War. New York Times. August 15, 1995:A12.
Gulf vets deserve better than brush-off from brass. USA Today. August 17, 1995:10.
Whelan EM. No "syndrome" exists. USA Today. August 17, 1995:10.
Iraq admits working on biological weapons systems. Washington Post. August 19, 1995:A17.
Meyer R. Dipso facto. Washington Post. August 19, 1995:A19.
Fumento M. Dubious syndromes in the wake of war. Washington Times. August 20, 1995:B4.
Smith RJ. UN says Iraqis prepared germ weapons in Gulf War. Washington Post. August 26, 1995:A1, A19.
Ruelas R. Ailing Gulf War vets getting sick of delays. Phoenix Gazette. August 30, 1995.
Nelson SS. Controversy dogs residential panel�s work. Army Times. September 4, 1995.
Nelson SS. Family blames Gulf War for birth defects. Army Times. September 4, 1995:18.
Shapiro M. Veterans group upset with makeup of committee on Gulf War illness. Inside the Army. September 4, 1995:7-9.
Wright R. Iraqis admit to broad, virulent germ war plan. Los Angeles Times. September 6, 1995:1.
Hedges SJ, Cart P, Fasulo L. Baghdad�s dirty secrets. US News World Report. September 11, 1995:41.
Hitchens T. Exercise finds US falls short in bio war. Army Times. September 11, 1995.
Gulf vets are ailing�but why? Jackson Citizen Patriot. September 15, 1995.
Nelson SS. Ailing Gulf vets may face deadline. Army Times. September 18, 1995.
Walker PV. Gulf War vet wins medical retirement. Army Times. September 18, 1995:16.
Iraq entered Gulf War with viral weapons ready. Washington Times. September 21, 1995:A1, A11.
Chemical arms may lie on floor of Persian Gulf. New York Times. September 24, 1995:A6.
London Observer Service. Iraq biowarfare tried on animals. San Diego Union-Tribune. September 27, 1995.
Killion C. Gulf effects to be probed. European Stars and Stripes. September 27, 1995:4.
Sylvester R, Chambers D. New theory on "Gulf War syndrome." Washington Times. October 1, 1995:D8.
Brown D. Parasite proteins may help track a disease to its origin. Washington Post. October 2, 1995:A3.
Pexton P. They went, they won, then many left. Navy Times. October 2, 1995:16.
Research on "Gulf War syndrome." Washington Jewish Week. October 26, 1995:2.
Nelson SS. DoD investigators take another look at troops� exposure during Gulf War. Navy Times. October 30, 1995.
Nelson SS. Pentagon to study Gulf illness link to bombings. Army Times. October 30, 1995:2.
Dalton R. Gulf vets� illness still a mystery. San Diego Union-Tribune. November 2, 1995:B1.
Townsend P. Panel disputes Pentagon study which denies Gulf War illnesses. Santa Cruz Sentinel. November 9, 1995:A1.
VA starts new study of Gulf War illnesses. USA Today. November 9, 1995:3A.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. Gulf War illness stays unresolved. News-Press. November 12, 1995:16A.
Nelson SS. Researchers don�t find mystery illness in vets. Navy Times. November 13, 1995.
Dibsie P. Mystery Gulf War ailments probed. San Diego Union-Tribune. December 6, 1995:B1.
Dibsie P. Special panel hears complaints on Gulf War illnesses. San Diego Union-Tribune. December 7, 1995:B14.
Canavan K. "Phenomenon" not prevalent in Gulf vets. US Med 1995:3.
Jury still out on Gulf syndrome. Science, 1995:170.
Macilwain C. Call for more coordination of Gulf War syndrome research. Science, 1995:92.
Trudeau GB. Doonesbury coverage of Gulf War, 95.
McClendon S. Corporate, foreign policy treachery pointed weapons back at Americans. Media Bypass. January 1996.
Associated Press. Alert sounded on Gulf War maladies. San Diego Union-Tribune. January 5, 1996.
Hilts PJ. Panel doubts Gulf War "syndrome" is new. New York Times. January 5, 1996:D19.
Nelson SS. Antidote pills suspect in Gulf illnesses. Navy Times. January 8, 1996:18.
Nelson SS. Evading Gulf mistakes in Bosnia. Navy Times. January 8, 1996:18.
Nelson SS. New research may shed light on source of Gulf War illness. Army Times. January 8, 1996.
Brown D. Gulf veterans� fatal illness rate called average. Washington Post. January 10, 1996:A15.
Fumento M. Shifts in budgeting quest for the middle. Washington Times. January 21, 1996:B3.
Nicolson GL. Gulf War illness: a bacterial infection. Washington Post. January 23, 1996:A14.
Associated Press. Chemical warfare detection is criticized. New York Times. February 1, 1996:A16.
Associated Press. War panel criticizes chemical warnings. New York Times. February 1, 1996:A19.
Detection of chemicals in Gulf War was problem. Washington Times. February 1, 1996:A6.
Presidential panel blames Pentagon for Gulf War health program faults. Washington Post. February 25, 1996:A25.
Reuters . Gulf War illness probe to resume. San Diego Union-Tribune. February 25, 1996.
McGrew D. Now the "syndrome" is in our mind. Navy Times. February 26, 1996:54.
Nelson SS. Suffering vets will get answers�eventually. Navy Times. February 26, 1996:10.
Nelson SS. Were troops exposed to chemical agents? Navy Times. February 26, 1996:10.
Gulf War veterans to be given new tests. Wall Street Journal. February 27, 1996:B5.
Nelson SS. Veterans blast lethargic response to Gulf illness. Navy Times. March 25, 1996:11.
Fitz R. Gulf War GIs poisoned by American germ weapons. National Enquirer. April 2, 1996:26-27.
No Gulf syndrome, Pentagon decides. Washington Times. April 3, 1996:A6.
Associated Press. Study of 19,000 finds no "Gulf War Syndrome." New York Times. April 4, 1996.
Nicolson GL. Gulf War illness linked to fatigue syndrome. New York Times. April 10, 1996:A18.
Fumento M. Gulf War syndrome...and symbiosis. Washington Times. April 13, 1996:C3.
Associated Press. Mix of chemicals eyed as Gulf War illness cause. San Diego Union-Tribune. April 17, 1996:A6.
Chemical mix may be cause of illnesses in Gulf War. New York Times. April 17, 1996:A17.
Neergaard L. Chemicals offer clues to Gulf vets� illnesses. USA Today. April 17, 1996:A8.
Pill combination checked as cause of ills in Gulf War. Washington Times. April 17, 1996:A9.
Adams JR. Russia�s toxic threat. Wall Street Journal. April 30, 1996:A18.
Army finds evidence of chemical exposure. Washington Times. May 2, 1996:A6.
FDA asked to require consent for military�s experimental medicine use. Washington Post. May 8, 1996:A23.
FDA is urged to end Pentagon waiver on experimental drugs. New York Times. May 8, 1996:A21.
Associated Press. Army doc says chemicals detected. Navy Times. May 13, 1996:20.
Bunker explosion linked to GI�s ills. Washington Times. June 22, 1996:A1, A5.
Gulf War illness may be related to gas exposure. New York Times. June 22, 1996:A1, A20.
Pine A. GIs in Gulf War may have been exposed to toxins. Los Angeles Times. June 22, 1996:A1, A10.
US troops were near toxic gas blast in Gulf. Washington Post. June 22, 1996:A1, A12.
Reuters . Researchers get $7.3 million to study Gulf War ailments. San Diego Union-Tribune. June 22, 1996.
Knight-Ridder News Service. GIs may have been exposed to Iraqi chemical weapons. San Diego Union-Tribune. June 22, 1996:A1, A19.
Associated Press. Senate OKs bill to help Gulf War illness victims. San Diego Union-Tribune. June 26, 1996.
Lawmakers approve Gulf War illness funds. Washington Times. June 26, 1996:A6.
Anderson J, Moller J. Saving face on Gulf War syndrome. Washington Post. June 27, 1996:C11.
Anderson J, Moller J. When did the Pentagon know? Washington Post. July 1, 1996:D18.
Anderson J, Moller J. Vindication on Gulf chemical exposure. Washington Post. July 8, 1996:C12.
Jowers K. Delayed chemical-exposure revelations spark outrage. Navy Times. July 8, 1996:46.
Supplier sold defective suits to Coast Guard, US attorney alleges. Wall Street Journal. August 6, 1996:B7.
Legacy of illness for unit that blew up bunkers. New York Times. August 11, 1996:A12.
Wives of Gulf War vets sue government. Washington Times. August 16, 1996:A5.
Kane S. Gulf War syndrome. New York Times. August 19, 1996:A12.
Sloyan PJ. Nerve-wracked. Long Island Newsday. August 20, 1996:1.
New report cited on chemical arms used in Gulf War. New York Times. August 22, 1996:A1.
Army begins burning chemical weapons. New York Times. August 23, 1996:A18.
Army destroys chemical weapons. Washington Times. August 23, 1996:A9.
Chemical arms destruction. Washington Post. August 23, 1996:A25.
Reiss T. Chemical weapons made in the USA. New York Times. August 23, 1996:A27.
Lewis DL. New force suits up for toxic terrorism. New York Daily News. August 25, 1996:16.
Adde N. CIA: allied attacks released Iraqi chemical weapons gas. Navy Times. August 26, 1996:4.
Report shows US was told in 1991 of chemical arms. New York Times. August 28, 1996:A1.
Hit on chemical arms disclosed. Washington Times. August 29, 1996:A3.
Site of chemical arms known in 1991. Washington Post. August 29, 1996:A15.
"The rest of the story" on Gulf War chemicals. USA Today. August 29, 1996:13A.
Eight-day gap found in Gulf syndrome files. Washington Times. September 3, 1996:A6.
Shenon P. Panel criticizes Pentagon effort in gas inquiry. New York Times. September 6, 1996:A1, A13.
Panel faults Pentagon on Gulf illnesses. Washington Post. September 7, 1996:A9.
Leary WE. Gulf syndrome link to arms questioned. San Diego Union-Tribune. September 8, 1996:A29.
Shenon P. 5,000 US troops may have been exposed to nerve gas in Iraq. New York Times. September 19, 1996.
Shenon P. Many Gulf War veterans tell of Iraqi chemical attack. New York Times. September 20, 1996:A1, A12.
5,000 troops possibly exposed to nerve gas. Washington Times. September 20, 1996:A6.
For five years, Pentagon stonewalls sick Gulf vets. USA Today. September 20, 1996:12A.
Gulf nerve gas cases could be as high as 5,000. USA Today. September 20, 1996:3A.
Pine A. Chemical arms alert disturbs Gulf veterans. Los Angeles Times. September 20, 1996:A1, A17.
Elias M. Gulf service and women�s health. USA Today. September 23, 1996:D1.
McGrew D. Give us the truth; we deserve it. Navy Times. September 23, 1996:70.
Gulf War syndrome gets new diagnosis. Washington Post. September 26, 1996:A29.
Pine A. Pentagon�s late chemical arms finding assailed. Los Angeles Times. September 26, 1996:A1, A12.
Gulf troops not informed of test drug, Pentagon says. Washington Post. September 27, 1996:A15.
Reuters , Press A. Pentagon alters stand on Gulf War drug testing. Washington Post. September 28, 1996:18.
Solid clues on gas in the Gulf War. Washington Times. September 28, 1996:A11.
Parks D. Gulf War logs track toxic warnings. Birmingham News. September 29, 1996:1.
Gulf War commanders took shelter from toxins. Washington Times. September 30, 1996:A8.
Pentagon denies negligence in Gulf War nerve-gas alert. Washington Times. October 1, 1996:A4.
CIA: large number of Gulf troops may be at risk. USA Today. October 2, 1996:3A.
Military chiefs back anthrax innoculations: Initiative would affect all of nation�s forces. Washington Post. October 2, 1996:A1, A12.
Nerve gas may have affected thousands of soldiers in Gulf. Washington Times. October 2, 1996:A3.
Poison gas exposure estimate is growing: more than 15,000 may have been affected in Gulf region, Pentagon says. Washington Post. October 2, 1996:A12.
Walters N. Nerve-gas peril estimates soar. San Diego Union-Tribune. October 2, 1996:A1.
Associated Press. Anthrax vaccinations studies for US troops. San Diego Union-Tribune. October 3, 1996.
Shenon P. Bombs may have hit toxic arms. San Diego Union-Tribune. October 3, 1996.
US jets pounded Iraqi arms depot storing nerve gas. New York Times. October 3, 1996:A1, A18.
Britain studies pesticides in Gulf War syndrome. New York Times. October 5, 1996:A2.
Abrams J. Virus could be behind illness. Associated Press. October 6, 1996.
Parks D. Army�s new germ warfare sniffers fill in gap. Birmingham News. October 6, 1996:8A.
Parks D. Troops near chemicals at war�s end. Birmingham News. October 6, 1996:A1.
Abrams J. Genetic link may provide Gulf ills clue. Birmingham News. October 7, 1996:A1.
Associated Press. Genetics studies in Gulf illnesses. San Diego Union-Tribune. October 7, 1996.
Gulf illness. USA Today. October 7, 1996:3A.
Mathews J. Doom and gloom and biological weapons. Washington Post. October 7, 1996:A21.
Maze R. Gulf War investigation gets a higher profile. Navy Times. October 7, 1996:8-9.
Pexton P. One man�s search exposes evidence of chemicals. Navy Times. October 7, 1996:8.
Nerve gas stonewall. The Washington Post. October 8, 1996:A18.
Brumas M. Shays urges VA to rethink policy on Gulf War ills. Birmingham News. October 9, 1996:A1.
Diamond J. Pentagon: No Gulf illness link. Associated Press. October 9, 1996.
Pine A. Gulf War veterans to push for treatment and benefits. Los Angeles Times. October 9, 1996:5.
Shenon P. Records gap on Gulf War under scrutiny. New York Times. October 9, 1996.
Timms E. US had warnings before blowing up Iraqi weapons. Dallas Morning News. October 9, 1996:1.
Brown D. Scientists say evidence lacking to tie "syndrome" to 1991 Gulf War. Washington Post. October 10, 1996:A6.
Come clean with vets. San Diego Union-Tribune. October 10, 1996.
Dougherty L. Veterans with Gulf War syndrome tell their stories to committee. St. Petersburg Times. October 10, 1996.
Leary WE. Panel on Gulf War ills says poor records hampered its inquiry. New York Times. October 10, 1996:A27.
Parks D. Toxic chemicals targeted in Gulf War investigation. Birmingham News. October 10, 1996:A1.
Research on Gulf War illness criticized. USA Today. October 10, 1996:10A.
Ruane ME. Medical panel finds little to support unique Gulf War syndrome. San Diego Union-Tribune. October 10, 1996:A11.
Shenon P. White House panel staff assails Pentagon on Gulf War veterans. Baltimore Sun. October 10, 1996:20.
Tracing Gulf War syndrome. Baltimore Sun. October 10, 1996:20.
Pentagon delays CIA data on Gulf War ills. Washington Post. October 11, 1996:A10.
Iraq feared hiding nerve gas, missiles. Washington Times. October 12, 1996:A8.
Iraq accused of hiding prohibited weapons: UN commission says country concealed SCUD missiles, poison gases from inspectors. Washington Post. October 12, 1996:A25.
Associated Press. Pentagon: no definition of gas exposure possible. USA Today. October 13, 1996.
Reza H. Marines also blame illness on Gulf duty. Los Angeles Times. October 15, 1996.
Kornkven C. Vets seek answers, get excuses. USA Today. October 16, 1996:14A.
Czechs told US they detected nerve gas during the Gulf War. New York Times. October 19, 1996:A1, A10.
Shenon P. US commanders ignored warnings of Iraqi chemical weapons. New York Times. October 19, 1996.
Associated Press. Czechs warned US of nerve gas in Gulf. San Diego Union-Tribune. October 20, 1996.
Hawkins BD. Pentagon agrees to pay for exposure research. Navy Times. October 21, 1996:11.
Infectious blood-cell germs implicated in Gulf War veterans. Stars and Stripes. October 21, 1996-27:8.
Pexton P. Ailing veterans are joining forces. Navy Times. October 21, 1996.
Pexton P. CIA won�t release study. Navy Times. October 21, 1996:10.
Pexton P. Gulf War sickness: exposure confirmed. Navy Times. October 21, 1996.
Pexton P. Genetic marker a clue? Navy Times. October 21, 1996:8.
Pexton P. Mystery of the missing logs: where are they? Navy Times. October 21, 1996:8.
Pexton P. Sick Gulf vets to kick up political storm. Navy Times. October 21, 1996:8.
Publisher to defy CIA and release data on Iraq chemical arms. New York Times. October 21, 1996:A18.
Garrett L. A chemical mystery: little is known of sarin�s long-term effects. Newsday. October 23, 1996.
Military widens search for GIs exposed to gas. Washington Times. October 23, 1996:A5.
Shenon P. US widens search for veterans near Iraqi blast. New York Times. October 23, 1996:A1, A23.
Wider gas exposure in Gulf feared. Washington Post. October 23, 1996:A21.
Gulf War toxins: Pentagon�s credibility sinks even lower. Los Angeles Times. October 24, 1996.
Tuite III JJ. Gulf War fallout. New York Times. October 25, 1996:A38.
Czech ministry to examine ailments of Gulf War veterans. New York Times. October 26, 1996:12.
New York Times News Service. CIA cloaked Gulf War toxic exposure data, experts say. San Diego Union-Tribune. October 30, 1996.
Rothberg DM. Pentagon accused of cover-up. Associated Press. October 30, 1996.
Shenon P. Ex-CIA analysts assert cover-up on chemical risk to troops. New York Times. October 30, 1996:A1, A14.
CIA goes to rare length over cover-up charge. Reuters. November 1, 1996.
CIA director orders probe into alleged cover-up, release of papers. CNN News Service. November 1, 1996.
Garrett L. Genes control reaction to sarin. Newsday. November 1, 1996:A17.
Associated Press. Release of Gulf War papers promised. San Diego Union-Tribune. November 2, 1996.
CIA orders inquiry into charges of chemical arms cover-up. New York Times. November 2, 1996:A9.
Iraq didn�t attack GIs with gas, CIA insists. Washington Times. November 2, 1996:A2.
Thomas W. Hackers destroy evidence of Gulf War chemical/biological weapons. WESnet. November 2, 1996.
Shenon P. CIA pledges inquiry into Gulf charges. New York Times. November 2, 1996.
Czechs admit Gulf health problems. Washington Times. November 3, 1996:A9.
Pentagon health chief fights claims of a Gulf War cover-up. New York Times. November 3, 1996:A30.
Pexton P. Pentagon widens search. Navy Times. November 4, 1996:3.
Advisers condemn Pentagon review of Gulf ailments. New York Times. November 8, 1996:A1.
Diamond J. Clinton backs Pentagon on Gulf. Associated Press. November 8, 1996.
Illnesses reported by Gulf War veterans remain a mystery to panels of medical experts. New York Times. November 8, 1996:B6.
Shenon P. White House panel condemns Pentagon review of Gulf War ailments. New York Times. November 8, 1996.
Stojaspal J. Czechs plan inquiry into handling and chemical protection of their Gulf War troops. New York Times. November 9, 1996:A9.
Campbell M. Veterans fight Pentagon over mystery ailment. Kansas City Star. November 10, 1996.
Priest D, McAllister B. Gulf War�s depot of distrust. Washington Post. November 10, 1996:A1, A26-27.
Hawkins BD. Research bolsters Gulf War vets� illness complaints. Navy Times. November 11, 1996:36-37.
A presidential pledge to Gulf veterans. USA Today. November 12, 1996:3A.
Diamond J. Pentagon mulls Gulf War illness. Associated Press. November 12, 1996.
Leeman S. Brit vets sue Defence Ministry. Associated Press. November 12, 1996.
Emery G. No medical evidence of Gulf War syndrome. Reuters. November 13, 1996.
Haney DQ. Studies reassure Gulf vets. Associated Press. November 13, 1996.
Haney DQ. Studies focus on Gulf War vets. Associated Press. November 13, 1996.
Levine J. More evidence, more complaints on Gulf War illness. CNN News Service. November 13, 1996.
Milius S. Gulf vets: Extra accidents, not illness. United Press International Science News. November 13, 1996.
Clinton promises continued study of Gulf ailments. New York Times. November 12, 1996:A20.
Clinton: "We must do more" in Gulf War illness research. Washington Post. November 12, 1996:A7.
Associated Press. Pentagon doubles spending on study of Gulf War illnesses. San Diego Union-Tribune. November 13, 1996.
Associated Press. Studies probing death, medical records of Gulf vets find no link among illnesses. MSNBC. November 13, 1996.
Busick named to head Gulf War illness effort. Reuters. November 13, 1996.
Gulf vets prone to accidental death. Reuters. November 13, 1996.
Pentagon doesn�t want to shift its probe of Gulf War illnesses. Washington Post. November 13, 1996:A2.
Pentagon to expand Gulf War illness probe. USA Today. November 13, 1996:6A.
Pine A. US to expand probe of GIs� chemical exposure. Los Angeles Times. November 13, 1996.
Research for sick Gulf vets doubled. Washington Times. November 13, 1996:A3.
Seeking to keep jurisdiction, Pentagon expands Gulf War inquiry. New York Times. November 13, 1996:A20.
Brown D, McAllister B. Two studies find no Gulf "mystery illness." Washington Post. November 14, 1996:A3.
Kolata G. No increases found in death rates of Gulf War vets. New York Times. November 14, 1996:A1.
Panel blames stress for Gulf War health woes. Washington Times. November 14, 1996:A4.
Shenon P. Oversight suggested for study of Gulf War ills. New York Times. November 14, 1996:B12.
Bacon KH, Antelman SM. Pentagon broke news on Gulf War exposure. New York Times. November 15, 1996:A32.
Campbell M. Soldiers dispute CIA�s report on troops� exposure to chemical weapons. Kansas City Star. November 15, 1996.
Chemical alarms rang, but desert location is lost. Washington Post. November 15, 1996:A18.
Schnabel J. The real causes of "Gulf War syndrome." Washington Post. November 15, 1996:A31.
Hertz M. The syndromes of the Gulf War. Jyllands-Posten. November 16, 1996.
New York Times News Service. Gulf veterans have more ills, prober says. San Diego Union-Tribune. November 21, 1996.
Shenon P. Panel disputes studies on Gulf War illness. New York Times. November 21, 1996:B11.
Malik A. Iraq hiding rocket parts. Associated Press. November 24, 1996.
Hawkins BD. Biological warfare: threat is alive and well. Army Times. November 25, 1996.
Hawkins BD. Committee on Gulf War syndrome: stress needs to be examined more. Army Times. November 25, 1996.
Jowers K. Pentagon beefing up investigation. Navy Times. November 25, 1996.
Jowers K. More money, manpower for investigation of Gulf War syndrome. Army Times. November 25, 1996.
Miller K. Shali defends Pentagon against credibility attacks. Navy Times. November 25, 1996.
Pexton P. Perot puts up funds for research. Navy Times. November 25, 1996.
Pexton P. Shadow of skepticism. Army Times. November 25, 1996.
Pexton P. Sick and tired. Navy Times. November 25, 1996.
Pexton P. The faces of Persian Gulf illness. Army Times. November 25, 1996.
VA tally overlooked many Gulf War patients. Baltimore Sun. November 25, 1996:5.
Gulf War vets more likely ill. Associated Press. November 26, 1996.
Meyer T. CDC study backs Gulf War vets. Associated Press. November 26, 1996.
Shenon P. Two studies seem to back veterans who trace illnesses to Gulf War. New York Times. November 26, 1996:A1, A16.
Studies show high Gulf War illness rates. Reuters. November 26, 1996.
Scientist, arms dealer linked. Associated Press. November 27, 1996.
Anderson J, Moller J. Turkeys for the featherbrained. Washington Post. November 28, 1996:B20.
Report links Gulf War expert to US supplier of germs in Iraq. New York Times. November 28, 1996:A19.
Matalbano WD. Gulf War veterans seek restitution for ailments. Los Angeles Times. November 30, 1996.
Associated Press. CDC defines Gulf War syndrome. La Crosse Tribune. December 1, 1996:A8.
Burt T. Former Onalaska soldiers worry about effects of Gulf War. The La Crosse Tribune. December 1, 1996.
Burt T. Vets organize to push for investigation into Gulf War syndrome. La Crosse Tribune. December 1, 1996:A8.
Singer G. List of Iraqi nerve gases was accessed on web site. Sun-Sentinel, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. December 1, 1996:7.
Gulf War vets� doctors say VA tried to fire them. USA Today. December 2, 1996:3A.
Sloyan PJ. An undisclosed link. Washington Bureau. December 2, 1996.
Stress may affect whether drugs reach brain. Reuters. December 2, 1996.
Garrett L. Gulf syndrome clue? Chemical added to stress shown to bring symptoms. Long Island Newsday. December 3, 1996:4.
Shenon P. Powell supports inquiry into Gulf War illnesses. New York Times. December 3, 1996:A1, A16.
Abrams J. Gulf vets� sickness mystifies. Associated Press. December 5, 1996.
Pentagon: Iraqi depot stored chemical weapons. CNN News Service. December 5, 1996.
Sarin gas blown up near Gulf War troops. Reuters. December 5, 1996.
Shenon P. US says it it missing Gulf War data on arms dump in Iraq. New York Times. December 5, 1996:A1.
Some Gulf War records on chemical weapons missing. CNN News Service. December 5, 1996.
Abrams J. Chemical found at Iraqi site. Associated Press. December 6, 1996.
Blessing PJ. Independent inquiry needed on Gulf illness. New York Times. December 6, 1996:A38.
Dispute over Gulf War illnesses not dying. Washington Times. December 6, 1996:A10.
Shenon P. Pentagon described contents of bunker. New York Times. December 6, 1996:A36.
Shenon P. Pentagon says chemical weapons were stored in Iraqi ammo dump. New York Times. December 6, 1996:A36.
Sloyan PJ. Military detected chemical agents: Pentagon admits Gulf War findings. Washington Bureau. December 6, 1996.
Shenon P. Schwarzkopf says he doubts chemical weapons caused health troubles of Gulf vets. New York Times. December 6, 1996:A36.
Shenon P. Lawmaker says VA punishes doctors for speaking out on Gulf illnesses. New York Times. December 7, 1996:A12.
Shenon P. Panel chief says agency punishes doctors for speaking out on Gulf illnesses. New York Times. December 7, 1996:A12.
Perry: No evidence of exposure. Washington Times. December 7, 1996:A4.
Wolf J. Senator calls CIA�s Deutch coup victim. Reuters. December 8, 1996.
Adde N. Advice to live by: "you can�t quit fighting." Navy Times. December 9, 1996.
Hawkins BD. Biological-warfare expert lauds vaccines, education. Air Force Times. December 9, 1996.
Hawkins BD. Finally, a study of Agent Orange and birth defects. Navy Times. December 9, 1996.
Hawkins BD. Navy, CDC studies document vets� illnesses. Navy Times. December 9, 1996.
Hawkins BD. Two new studies will cite serious health problems. Air Force Times. December 9, 1996.
Hawkins BD. VA studies of Gulf vets raise questions. Navy Times. December 9, 1996.
Iraq cultivated biological weapon. USA Today. December 9, 1996:3A.
Abrams J. Lawmakers probe Gulf War ills. Associated Press. December 11, 1996.
Associated Press. British plan probe as pesticides and vaccines blamed. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. December 11, 1996.
Brown D. Soldiers testify they found chemical agents. Washington Post. December 11, 1996:A18.
Chemical evidence is ignored, GIs say. USA Today. December 11, 1996:4A.
Hoge W. Britain to check veterans for Gulf War problems. The New York Times. December 11, 1996.
Lawmakers charge Gulf cover-up. Washington Times. December 11, 1996:A9.
"No cover-up," Schwarzkopf still insists. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. December 11, 1996.
Offley E. Disabled airman angry: "looking for truth." Seattle Post-Intelligencer. December 11, 1996.
Pine A. Gulf War chemicals found, Congress told. Los Angeles Times. December 11, 1996:A22.
Seventeen chemical agent incidents. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. December 11, 1996.
Shenon P. Soldiers say they found chemical weapons in Kuwait. New York Times. December 11, 1996:B10.
A taking harder look at Gulf War maladies. Washington Times. December 12, 1996:A4.
Gulf exposures could far exceed Pentagon estimates. USA Today. December 12, 1996:6A.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. Wind analysis stirs up Gulf War debate. Gannett News Service. December 12, 1996.
Knowledge of poison gas in Gulf War unlikely to have altered treatment. Washington Post. December 12, 1996:A12.
New look urged on Gulf syndrome. New York Times. December 12, 1996:A1, A24.
Shenon P. Changes may be needed in study of Gulf War syndrome, scientist says. New York Times. December 12, 1996.
Shenon P. Veterans Department blames Pentagon for delay in Gulf War health studies. New York Times. December 12, 1996:A1.
As vets suffer, Pentagon blows Gulf investigation. USA Today. December 13, 1996:14A.
Rostker B. DoD not ignoring issue. USA Today. December 13, 1996:14A.
Britain promises Gulf War veterans compensation for war-related health problems. Reuters. December 14, 1996.
Congress may probe missing Pentagon logs. Washington Times. December 14, 1996:A3.
Gulf War logs. Washington Post. December 14, 1996:A8.
Kizer KW. Gulf War illness findings aren�t unexpected. New York Times. December 14, 1996:28.
Zumwalt ER, Jr. Exposed to Agent Orange. Washington Post. December 14, 1996:A26.
Ingram J. Czech Gulf War vets bear ills. Associated Press. December 15, 1996.
Lashmar P, McCarthy T. How Britain cast plague on paradise. The Observer. December 15, 1996.
Krauthammer C. What Gulf War syndrome? Washington Post. December 20, 1996:A27.
Shenon P. Perry says Pentagon didn�t withhold data on Gulf War illnesses. New York Times. December 20, 1996:A22.
Shenon P. Pentagon chief denies cover-up of Gulf War illnesses. New York Times. December 20, 1996:A22.
Data lacking on nerve gas exposure. Washington Post. December 21, 1996:A3.
Shenon P. Exact count called unlikely on chemical exposure in Gulf War. New York Times. December 22, 1996:A32.
Krauthammer C. The Gulf War syndrome debate. San Diego Union-Tribune. December 23, 1996.
Shenon P. Gulf War panel reviews researcher�s ouster. New York Times. December 23, 1996:A9.
We may be living a little healthier thanks to �96 studies. Wall Street Journal. December 23, 1996:B1.
Hafemeister R. Weapon linked to Iraq: Biological warfare used, report says. Belleville News-Democrat. December 25, 1996.
Army to pursue once-dismissed theory for Gulf War illness. CNN News Service. December 26, 1996.
Army to study Gulf War research. Associated Press. December 26, 1996.
Iraq says four children killed by 1991 bomb. Reuters. December 26, 1996.
Army to check bacteria in ill Gulf vets. Washington Times. December 27, 1996:A8.
Army to study bacteria link to ailments in Gulf War. New York Times. December 27, 1996:A22.
Bor J. Vindication at last for Gulf War veterans. Baltimore Sun. December 30, 1996.
Harwood R. Whom do you trust? Washington Post. December 30, 1996:A11.
Hawkins BD. Burden lies with vets to prove Gulf War illness. Army Times. December 30, 1996.
Israel to receive real-time intelligence from US satellite. Associated Press. December 30, 1996.
Wilson GC. Pentagon seeks fox crews. Navy Times. December 30, 1996.
Blakeslee S. Virus� similarity to body�s proteins may explain autoimmune disease. New York Times. December 31, 1996.
Gulf vets prone to accidental death. Reuters, 1996.
Raloff J. Pesticides may challenge human immunity. Science News. Vol. 149, 1996:149.
Timms E. US had warnings before blowing up Iraqi weapons. Dallas Morning News. 1996:1.
Tucker J. Saddam�s toxic plot: did Iraqi military planners hatch a secret scheme to debilitate our troops with low levels of chemical and biological weapons? American Legion, 1996:26-27, 50-51.
Brewer N, Hanchette J. VA doctor ordered to stop treatment. Idaho Statesman. January 1, 1997.
Eddington PG, Zaid MS. The true cost of Gulf War syndrome. Washington Post. January 1, 1997:A19.
Ishoy T. Veterans from the Gulf War get their health examined. OFFICEREN. January 1, 1997.
Brown D. The Gulf between "syndrome" and poison gas. Washington Post. January 2, 1997:1.
Brown D. A theory of chemical interactions. Washington Post. January 2, 1997:10.
Burns R. Clinton begins four-day vacation. Associated Press. January 2, 1997.
Shenon P. Once healthy, her pain is reminder of Gulf War service. New York Times. January 2, 1997.
Shenon P. Gulf War ills still mystery despite shift on cause. New York Times. January 2, 1997:A14.
Brain strain and the Gulf War. The Economist. January 4, 1997-10:78.
Gulf War panel blasts Pentagon for "ineptitude." CNN News Service. January 4, 1997.
Higham S. Towson defense contractor fined for defrauding US company also placed on probation. Baltimore Sun. January 4, 1997.
Clinton to prolong panel studying Gulf War illness. Washington Post. January 5, 1997:A14.
Clinton is said to back extension of panel on Gulf War illness. New York Times. January 5, 1997:A13.
Anderson J, Moller J. 1954 H-bomb tests radiate�again. Washington Post. January 6, 1997:B8.
Pexton P. Illness remains virulent issue. Navy Times. January 6, 1997.
Ricks TE. Is Gulf War syndrome linked to stresses of combat? Wall Street Journal. January 6, 1997:A14.
Ross S. Clinton-Gulf War illness. Associated Press. January 6, 1997.
Zumwalt EJ. A needless risk for US troops. Washington Post. January 6, 1997:A17.
Agence France Presse. UN team supervises Iraqi excavations of missile sites. Agency France Presse. January 7, 1997.
Cohen R. The Pentagon didn�t do it. Washington Post. January 7, 1997:A13.
Heeney BA. How real is "Gulf War Syndrome"? Wall Street Journal. January 7, 1997:A17.
Panel on Gulf War veterans� illnesses affirms most US efforts. Washington Post. January 7, 1997:A11.
Adams J. Chemical combinations blamed for Gulf War ills. Reuters. January 8, 1997.
Borsuk AJ. VA�s Brown hears Gulf War vets. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. January 8, 1997.
Brown D. Liberalized rules weighed for Gulf disability aid. Washington Post. January 8, 1997:A16.
Credibility on Gulf War illness. New York Times. January 8, 1997:A1.
How Pentagon failed vets. USA Today. January 8, 1997:10.
"Not in good faith." Washington Post. January 8, 1997:A24.
Pine A, Richter P. Clinton rejects call for outside Gulf illness probe. Los Angeles Times. January 8, 1997.
Scarborough R. Gulf War symptoms missed many troops. Washington Times. January 8, 1997:A6.
Schmitt E. No proof is found of chemical cause for Gulf illness: Pentagon is criticized. New York Times. January 8, 1997:A1.
Adams J. Senators seek whether Pentagon in Gulf War cover-up. Reuters. January 9, 1997.
Doctors find neurotoxic clue to Gulf War illness. Washington Times. January 9, 1997:A6.
Leary WE. Gulf illness may reflect multiple exposures, report says. New York Times. January 9, 1997:A18.
New data back Gulf vets� claims. USA Today. January 9, 1997:A1.
New studies indicate 6 patterns of "Gulf syndrome." Washington Post. January 9, 1997:A1, A11.
Abortion and Gulf War studies. New York Times. January 10, 1997:A32.
Gullo K. EPA loses more secret documents. Associated Press. January 10, 1997.
Schmitt E. Schwarzkopf to give war log to investigators. New York Times. January 10, 1997.
Sloyan PJ. Panel rips CIA on nerve-gas reports. Washington Bureau. January 10, 1997.
Zaid MS. Former CIA analyst disputes Senate testimony of CIA and DoD officials. New York Times. January 10, 1997.
Darkness at noon. The Economist. January 11, 1997.
Manuel TZ. "What Gulf War syndrome?" Washington Post. January 11, 1997:A19.
Olinger D. Researchers say work�s tie to war illness got him fired. St. Petersburg Times. January 11, 1997.
Allergy sufferers to get relief. Associated Press. January 12, 1997.
Combat stress from the Gulf War: belated government concerns. Baltimore Sun. January 12, 1997.
Emmons M. The fight over Gulf War syndrome engulfs Michigan vet. Free Press, Detroit. January 12, 1997.
Hawkins BD. Vaccines key to biological warfare defense. Navy Times. January 13, 1997.
Murray B. Gulf War syndrome is a catalyst for info online. Government Computer News. January 13, 1997.
Seipel T. Researchers cry foul�report under fire. Mercury News. January 13, 1997.
Snider M. Gulf War strategist keeps "Strike" game�s realism on target. USA Today. January 13, 1997.
The disappearing Gulf War syndrome. Washington Times. January 13, 1997:A14.
Hafemeister R. Veteran saw Gulf weapons: US may believe claim of chemicals. Belleville News-Democrat. January 14, 1997.
Media Access Inc. Joyce Riley in Sandpoint, Idaho. Idaho Observer. January 14, 1997.
Gillert DJ. Gulf War illness update. American Forces Press Service. January 15, 1997.
Haley RW. Don�t discount size of study on Gulf War illness. New York Times. January 16, 1997:A24.
Eddington PG. The Gulf War syndrome is not disappearing. Washington Times. January 17, 1997:A18.
Meckler L. Clinton to keep Gulf War panel. Associated Press. January 18, 1997.
Associated Press. Army tests its medicines on Ft. Detrick volunteers. Baltimore Sun. January 19, 1997.
Brown D. No illness pattern found in gas release in Gulf. Washington Post. January 19, 1997:A6, A7.
Hafemeister R. Ghost from the Gulf. Belleville News-Democrat. January 19, 1997:B1.
Waldman A. Integrity cost him his career. Sacramento Bee. January 19, 1997.
Waldman A. Why the US stonewalled its veterans on Gulf War syndrome. Sacramento Bee. January 19, 1997.
Adams J. General: bombs, gas may be linked. Reuters. January 20, 1997.
Gulf veterans report more illness than other vets. AMA News. January 20, 1997.
Gulf War illness sorted into three syndromes. AMA News. January 20, 1997.
Hafemeister R. Analyst presses Gulf case: ex-CIA employee sues for documents. Belleville News-Democrat. January 20, 1997:A1.
Hawkins BD. Studies break new ground in Gulf War illness. Army Times. January 20, 1997.
Hawkins BD. Gulf War syndrome: independent researchers dispute stress theory. Navy Times. January 20, 1997.
Hawkins BD. Panel: Pentagon failed to examine chemical-illness link. Army Times. January 20, 1997.
Report: Iraq hiding weapons. Associated Press. January 20, 1997.
Diamond J. Gulf War vets. Associated Press. January 21, 1997.
Parks D. Prober to seek expansion of Gulf ills study. Birmingham News. January 21, 1997.
US troops near Gulf War gas blasts ill-study. Reuters. January 21, 1997.
Associated Press. Vets near gas site suffer more. Washington Times. January 22, 1997:A8.
Gulf War "paper" pulled for ignoring low-level risk. USA Today. January 22, 1997:4A.
Krauss C. US agency links chemicals to one illness of Gulf War soldiers. New York Times. January 22, 1997:A17.
Naylon ME. Commander-in-chief has responsibility to look into Gulf War syndrome. Washington Times. January 22, 1997:A14.
Williams TD. Gulf War illnesses linked to chemicals. Hartford Courant. January 22, 1997.
Finley D. Study finds no toxin-Gulf ills link. Express-News, San Antonio, TX. January 23, 1997.
Anderson GE. "Perceived" betrayal of Gulf War veterans. Wall Street Journal. January 24, 1997:A15.
Greenberg DS. Gulf War syndrome: c all off the search. Washington Post. January 25, 1997:A19.
Nicolson GL. Cooperating on Gulf War illness. Washington Post. January 25, 1997:A17.
Williams TD. Director replaced in probe of Gulf War veterans� illnesses. Hartford Courant. January 25, 1997.
Gannett News Service. Pentagon expands investigation of possible gas exposure in �91 Gulf War. Sacramento Bee. January 26, 1997.
Olinger D. Costly clue to Gulf vets� ills. Washington Times. January 26, 1997:D8.
Silver JD. Litany of suffering. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. January 28, 1997.
Abrams J. Schwarzkopf says no evidence of chemical exposures. Associated Press. January 29, 1997.
Neergaard L. Monkey virus cues vaccine debate. Associated Press. January 29, 1997.
White House says Shali plans to step down. Reuters. January 29, 1997.
British doctors cite new test for viral infections. Reuters. January 30, 1997.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. Schwarzkopf: Gulf nerve gas news a surprise. USA Today. January 30, 1997.
McAllister B. Gulf War ills puzzling to Schwarzkopf. Washington Post. January 30, 1997:A8.
Price J. Schwarzkopf denies exposing his troops to chemical arms. Washington Times. January 30, 1997:A4.
Ruane ME. General testifies on war ills. Philadelphia Inquirer. January 30, 1997.
Newswire. VFW to host forum on Gulf War illness. PR Newswire. January 31, 1997.
Richter P. Head of Gulf War illness probe is replaced. Los Angeles Times. January 31, 1997.
Ultrasound leukemia. Reuters. January 31, 1997.
Mullen K. Researchers identify 3 syndromes among Gulf War veterans studied. Center Times. February 1997:1, 6.
Questions, answers about the Gulf War syndromes, studies. Center Times. February 1997:7.
Hawkins BD. Pentagon sued for classified Gulf War documents. Army Times. February 3, 1997.
Diamond J. Senators weigh blanket disability for Gulf War veterans. Associated Press. February 5, 1997.
Krauss C. Clinton seeks GOP support in chemical weapons ban. New York Times. February 5, 1997.
Special prosecutor named. Reuters. February 5, 1997.
Associated Press. Benefits eyed for Gulf War syndrome. San Diego Union-Tribune. February 6, 1997:A-16.
Diamond J. "Blanket" aid eyed for Gulf syndrome. USA Today. February 6, 1997.
Reuters . Gulf illness counsel. Washington Post. February 6, 1997.
Senate mulls benefits for Gulf War ills. Washington Times. February 6, 1997.
Sirois KR. Specter�s pal to lead Gulf War investigation. Comtex CustomWires. February 6, 1997.
Hackworth D. More veterans needed in this administration. Patriot-News, Harrisburg, PA. February 7, 1997.
Schwartz DA, Doebbeling BN, Merchant JA. Studying factors in Gulf War illnesses. Des Moines Register. February 7, 1997.
Gannett News Service. Treating sick Gulf War veterans. Des Moines Register. February 9, 1997.
Huntington R. Fighting a storm of denial. Lewiston Morning Tribune. February 9, 1997.
US Marines fired radioactive bullets near Okinawa. Reuters. February 10, 1997.
Reid B. Common substances may explain Gulf illness. Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, MS. February 11, 1997.
McAllister B. Health care for reservists who served in Gulf War overlooked, Hill told. Washington Post. February 12, 1997:A21.
Mio L. VA chief to discuss Gulf War syndrome with local veterans. Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH. February 13, 1997.
Timms E. Gulf War toxicity studied. Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX. February 14, 1997.
Mio L. Gulf War veterans lobby for greater disability care. Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH. February 15, 1997.
Camden J. Even the victors suffer. Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA. February 16, 1997.
Camden J. Frustration becomes another symptom in search for medical help. Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA. February 16, 1997.
Camden J. Gulf veterans were exposed to many hazards. Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA. February 16, 1997.
Camden J. Information for vets plentiful. Spokesman Review. Spokane, WA. February 16, 1997.
Tye L, Berthet J. French troops report no ills, may provide valuable clue. Boston Globe. February 16, 1997:A30.
Tye L. Ill Gulf veterans getting attention. Boston Globe. February 16, 1997:A1.
Tye L. Soldier sicknesses not new. Boston Globe. February 16, 1997:A30.
Associated Press. Iraqi newspaper warns against Net use. USA Today. February 17, 1997.
Camden J. A deep Gulf of confusion. Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA. February 17, 1997.
Timms E. Gulf War toxicity studied: combination of anti-nerve gas, drug, caffeine, adrenaline tested. Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX. February 18, 1997.
Bathen E. Team in Europe searching for clues in Gulf War illness. European Stars and Stripes. February 19, 1997:3.
But speak softly. Washington Post. February 19, 1997.
Cabell B. Doctor to test bacteria theory for Gulf War syndrome: believes lack of immunity, not chemical warfare, caused vets� illnesses. CNN News Service. February 19, 1997.
Hales D. VA boss gives hope to Persian Gulf vets. Daily Phoenix. February 19, 1997.
Lupus susceptibility gene found. Reuters. February 19, 1997.
Swindell B. Official meets with Gulf War veterans. The World, Tulsa, OK. February 19, 1997.
Hutchison MA. Veterans� extension urged. Daily Oklahoman. February 20, 1997.
Kirkwood K. Nurses air Gulf War grievance. Oakland Tribune. February 20, 1997.
Richter P. Small doses probed in Gulf illness. Los Angeles Times. February 20, 1997.
Kirkwood K. Gulf syndrome extension pushed. Oakland Tribune. February 21, 1997:A2.
Beverle D. Brown wants to extend limit on treating Gulf War veterans. Tuscaloosa News. February 25, 1997.
British civil servants face Gulf War illness probe. Reuters. February 25, 1997.
Larsen L. Healthy skepticism may cure Gulf syndrome. Kansas City Star. February 25, 1997.
Nordwall E. More Gulf nerve agent exposure possible. United Press International. February 25, 1997.
Selman S. Gulf vets appeal for more time to file claims. Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, AL February 25, 1997.
Shafer SM. CIA warned Army in 1991 of possible troop exposure to nerve gas. Associated Press. February 25, 1997.
Shenon P. Army knew in �91 of chemical weapons dangers in Iraq. New York Times. February 25, 1997.
Extend the limit: mystery still surrounds Gulf illness. Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, AL. February 26, 1997.
Gulf sickness. USA Today. February 26, 1997.
McRae JG. VA chief listened during visit. Muskogee Daily Phoenix, Muskogee, OK. February 26, 1997.
Poovey B. VA head to extend Gulf illness limit. Huntsville Times, Huntsville, AL. February 26, 1997.
Priest D. CIA warned of chemical arms in �91. Washington Post. February 26, 1997.
Richter P. CIA warned of chemical agents at depot. Los Angeles Times. February 26, 1997.
Ross S. Clinton orders Gulf War probe. Associated Press. February 26, 1997.
Shafer SM. Gulf chemical weapons. Associated Press. February 26, 1997.
Shenon P. Pentagon now says it knew of chemical weapons risk. New York Times. February 26, 1997.
Brewer N, Hanchette J. Gulf War chemical arms: deadline set for answers. USA Today. February 27, 1997.
Clinton wants study of Iraqi nerve gas. Reuters. February 27, 1997.
Diamond J. More Gulf War weapons data missing, Pentagon says. Associated Press. February 27, 1997.
Montalbano WD. British government says it may have poisoned Gulf War troops. Los Angeles Times. February 27, 1997.
Priest D. Clinton wants review of data on Iraqi chemical arms. Washington Post. February 27, 1997.
Shenon P. Clinton orders inquiry into destruction of Iraqi depot in 1991. New York Times. February 27, 1997.
Shenon P. Gulf War panel will investigate warning lapse. New York Times. February 27, 1997.
Three fourths of Gulf War chemical weapons logs said missing. Associated Press. February 27, 1997.
Adams J. Senate committee to investigate Gulf War logs loss. Reuters. February 28, 1997.
Associated Press. Gulf War chemical data reported lost. Washington Times. February 28, 1997.
Brewer N, Hanchette J. Veterans now battling their own government. Potomac News. February 28, 1997.
Diamond J. Most US logs on chemical in Gulf missing. Washington Post. February 28, 1997.
Knight-Ridder News Service. General challenges chemical weapons story. Kansas City Star. February 28, 1997.
Perez L. Local veterans share stories of health woes. Winston-Salem Journal. February 28, 1997.
Schwarzkopf doubts chemical exposure. USA Today. February 28, 1997.
Shenon P. Military lost logs on chemical use in Gulf War, Pentagon says. New York Times. February 28, 1997.
Shenon P. Pentagon reveals it lost most logs on chemical arms. New York Times. February 28, 1997.
Steadman T. Gulf vets talk to VA official about health. Greensboro News & Record, Greensboro, NC. February 28, 1997.
Warren RJ. Vets sound off about syndrome. High Point Enterprise, High Point, NC. February 28, 1997.
Wineka M. Gulf War vets seek more time. Salisbury Post, Salisbury, NC. February 28, 1997.
Senate to investigate missing Gulf War logs. Washington Times. March 1, 1997.
Adde N. VFW: Expand benefits for sick Gulf vets. Army Times. March 3, 1997.
Diamond J. Pentagon�s IG takes over probe into missing Gulf War logs. Associated Press. March 3, 1997.
Leopold E. Iraq admits chemical weapons: UN sanctions stay. Reuters. March 3, 1997.
US calls Iraqi genocide charges "outrageous." Reuters. March 3, 1997.
VA health care. Lebanon Daily News. March 3, 1997.
Wilson GC. DoD queries vets at risk of nerve gas exposure. Navy Times. March 3, 1997:18.
Wilson GC. Pentagon broadens effort to find, treat Gulf vets. Army Times. March 3, 1997.
Wilson GC. Sen. Levin: why did warnings on chemical exposure go unheeded? Army Times. March 3, 1997.
Fumento M. Gulf War syndrome and the press. Wall Street Journal. March 4, 1997:1.
Gulf War sickness. USA Today. March 4, 1997.
Reuters . Probing loss of chemical arms logs. Washington Post. March 4, 1997.
Shenon P. Pentagon says inquiry will seek missing chemical-weapons logs. New York Times. March 4, 1997.
Shenon P. US to investigate disappearance of Gulf War chemical logs. New York Times. March 4, 1997.
Cohen criticizes Pentagon for poor Gulf War record-keeping. Associated Press. March 5, 1997.
Fouad A. Kuwait crown prince in hospital, condition "good." Reuters. March 5, 1997.
Myers L. Legion to work with Pentagon on Gulf War illness. Associated Press. March 5, 1997.
Hewitt D. CBS disputes criticism of Gulf War report. Wall Street Journal. March 6, 1997.
Lawmaker contradicts Pentagon. Reuters. March 6, 1997.
Offley E. Main lead: despite fears of Gulf War germ attacks, US unable to develop sensors. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. March 6, 1997.
Shenon P. Defense secretary vows thorough inquiry on Gulf War illnesses. New York Times. March 6, 1997.
Clinton vows to help Gulf War vets. United Press International. March 7, 1997.
Scientist says nerve gas tests did little harm. Oregonian. March 7, 1997.
Smillie B. Japanese researchers find success with light in killing cancer. Associated Press. March 7, 1997.
Brumas M. Ill Gulf vets get more claims time. Birmingham News, Birmingham, AL. March 8, 1997.
Lewis NA. More time for Gulf War claims. New York Times. March 8, 1997.
Beaumont P. Gulf troops "had too many anthrax jobs." Observer. March 9, 1997.
Doctors fear spread of gulf illness. Washington Post. March 9, 1997.
Moehringer JR. Gulf War syndrome feared to be contagious. Los Angeles Times. March 9, 1997:A1.
Moehringer JR. Gulf War illness caused by bacteria, doctors say. Los Angeles Times. March 9, 1997.
Associated Press. Sick doctors. Washington Post. March 10, 1997.
Burrell I. Soames orders Gulf cover-up question. Independent. March 10, 1997.
Budahn PJ. When will Persian Gulf War end? Army Times. March 10, 1997.
Cohen: poor job done by military record-keepers. Associated Press. March 10, 1997.
Cohen: no proof Gulf illness can spread. United Press International. March 10, 1997.
Gulf War illness is contagious, paper reports. Associated Press. March 10, 1997.
Hawkins BD. Over 100 pages of chemical weapons logs missing. Army Times. March 10, 1997.
Hawkins BD. Beleaguered Pentagon health official stepping down. Navy Times. March 10, 1997:10.
Leavitt P. Clinton extends deadline for Gulf illness claims. USA Today. March 10, 1997.
Wilson GC. Pentagon gives its version of events. Army Times. March 10, 1997.
Wilson GC. Missed signal at Khamisiyah. Navy Times. March 10, 1997.
Cohen slams Pentagon on Gulf War sickness. Washington Times. March 11, 1997.
Parks D. Veterans blast claim that Gulf War ills contagious. Birmingham News. March 11, 1997.
"Poor job done" on Gulf War illnesses. USA Today. March 11, 1997.
Sri Lankans await Gulf War compensation. Reuters. March 12, 1997.
Little A, Evans A. UK discusses Gulf War animal deaths. PA News. March 13, 1997.
Hackworth D. Gulf illness stonewalling despicable. Patriot-News, Harrisburg, PA. March 14, 1997:A1.
UK�s Iraq policy blasted. Associated Press. March 14, 1997.
Hawkins BD. Schwarzkopf: no troops showed signs of exposure during the war. Navy Times. March 17, 1997:16.
Pexton P. IG takes lead in hunt for missing logs. Navy Times. March 17, 1997:16.
PR Newswire. New evidence links Gulf War syndrome to chronic fatigue. PR Newswire. March 17, 1997.
Wilson G. Senator wants answers on exposure, Khobar Towers. Navy Times. March 17, 1997:16.
Brown M. Khamisiyah chemical exposures. Associated Press. March 18, 1997.
Kizer KW. Gulf War illness feared contagious. Los Angeles Times. March 19, 1997.
Gillert DJ. Clinton, Cohen address Gulf War illness issues. San Diego Navy Dispatch. March 20, 1997:1, 4.
Gillert DJ. Gulf War illness web site made user friendly. San Diego Navy Dispatch. March 20, 1997:1.
UK veterans win backing for Gulf War compensation. Reuters. March 20, 1997.
Burrell I. Gulf fiasco may hit recruitment to the services. Independent. March 21, 1997.
American Legion supporting DoD. Associated Press. March 22, 1997.
Barkho L. Iraq said to cooperate with UN on weapons. Reuters. March 23, 1997.
Burns R. CIA studies arms explosions. Associated Press. March 23, 1997.
Adde N. Request for treatment deadline extended for sick Gulf War vets. Army Times. March 24, 1997.
Diplomat sure of chemical treaty. Associated Press. March 24, 1997.
Japan cult eyed US gas attack. Associated Press. March 24, 1997.
NY police find canister labeled chemical sarin. Reuters. March 26, 1997.
Scientists find nerve damage in Gulf War vets. CNN News Service. March 27, 1997.
Chemical weapons and Balkans. Reuters. March 28, 1997.
US settles with radiation test victims. Reuters. March 28, 1997.
Senators question Gulf presence. Associated Press. March 30, 1997.
Fox M. How viruses sneak past the immune system. Reuters. April 2, 1997.
Mystery fumes again strike Texas office tower. Reuters. April 2, 1997.
Clues to Gulf illnesses may lie in �72 sheep test. USA Today. April 3, 1997.
Fournier R. Powell to attend arms ban rally. Associated Press. April 3, 1997.
Ukraine city ends NATO exercise. Associated Press. April 3, 1997.
UN weapons inspector in Baghdad. Associated Press. April 3, 1997.
von Radowitz J. Health chief defends delay over Gulf illness probe. PA News. April 3, 1997.
Brewer N, Hanchette J. Never-reported Army test could shed light on Persian Gulf illness. Gannett News Service. April 4, 1997.
Report: weapons inspector to quit. Associated Press. April 4, 1997.
Bomb-laden jet disappears in Arizona. Associated Press. April 5, 1997.
Rotstein AH. Search for missing Air Force jet goes to Colorado. Associated Press. April 5, 1997.
van der Laan N. New anthrax "threatens Armageddon." Daily Telegraph, London, England. April 5, 1997.
Bombs injure 15 at Air Force base. Associated Press. April 6, 1997.
Search for Arizona Air Force plane continues. Reuters. April 6, 1997.
Ulbrich J. Belgian paratroopers murdered. Associated Press. April 6, 1997.
Adde N. Deadline extended for treating Gulf illnesses. Navy Times. April 7, 1997:31.
Boorstein M. Air Force searches for jet. Associated Press. April 7, 1997.
Fuentes G. Medical officials keep eye out for viruses. Navy Times. April 7, 1997.
US forces in Gulf on high security alert. Associated Press. April 7, 1997.
Persian Gulf vet groups tout state commission. United Press International News Service. April 8, 1997.
Associated Press. CIA admits delay in sharing chemical weapons ban. USA Today. April 9, 1997.
Vets� brain scans raise questions. Reuters. April 9, 1997.
Shenon P. CIA says it failed to give data on Iraqi arms. New York Times. April 10, 1997.
Williams TD. CIA admits it knew about chemical in Iraqi bunker. Hartford Courant. April 10, 1997.
US professor to begin new Gulf War illness study. Reuters. April 12, 1997.
Desert pact-economy. Associated Press. April 13, 1997.
Hanley CJ. US-Saudi web thickens. Associated Press. April 13, 1997.
Miller C. Gulf hero Sir Peter backs labour defense review. PA News. April 14, 1997.
Newman RJ. Illness tied to potent "cocktail." US News World Report. April 14, 1997.
Clinton agrees to conditions for treaty. United Press International News Service. April 16, 1997.
Doctors seek clues to fatal insomnia. United Press International News Service. April 16, 1997.
Laub K. Israeli millionaire linked to Iran. Associated Press. April 16, 1997.
Diamond J. How will chemical weapons be destroyed? Associated Press. April 21, 1997.
Faleh W. Iraq plans to defy no-fly zone. Associated Press. April 21, 1997.
Reuters . Professor to begin three-year Gulf War illness study. Stars and Stripes. April 21, 1997-27.
Adams J. Detailed medical exams for some Gulf War veterans. Reuters. April 22, 1997.
Neergaard L. US overseas AIDS policy decried. Associated Press. April 22, 1997.
New Gulf vet medical exams sought. Associated Press. April 22, 1997.
Gerth J. Officials say China illegally sent US equipment to military plant. New York Times. April 23, 1997.
Iran launches Gulf War games. Associated Press. April 23, 1997.
Kim E-K. Government not liable for veteran smokers. Associated Press. April 23, 1997.
Sleep apnea may cause some vets� symptoms. Reuters. April 25, 1997.
Adde N. Powell: I didn�t get a CIA weapon warning. Army Times. April 28, 1997.
Linzer D. Syria readies gas arsenal. Associated Press. April 29, 1997.
Altman LK. Vaccine protects two chimps from AIDS virus. New York Times. April 30, 1997.
Marines respond to mock gas attack at Capitol. Reuters. April 30, 1997.
Posner M. Plight of homeless US vets to get airing. Reuters. April 30, 1997.
Shafer SM. Army testing patriots. Associated Press. April 30, 1997.
Armed Forces Press Service. Two sites added to Gulf War illness town meetings. Armed Forces Press Service. May 1, 1997.
Background: Gulf War vet health problems. Pogosa Springs Sun, Pogosa Springs, CO. May 1, 1997.
Rudman to advise Pentagon. Associated Press. May 1, 1997.
Petty T. German company suspected of Iraq export. Associated Press. May 3, 1997.
Veterans marching to Washington along I-95 might be arrested. Associated Press. May 3, 1997.
Saddam Hussein goes online�almost. Reuters. May 4, 1997.
Researcher claims Iraq fired chemical weapons during Gulf War. Army Times. May 5, 1997.
Associated Press. Gulf War benefits expanded. Wyoming Tribune-Eagle. May 6, 1997.
Nasrawi S. Saddam Hussein has a web site. Associated Press. May 6, 1997.
Pentagon accused of ignoring health. Associated Press. May 6, 1997.
US veterans want ban on depleted uranium weapons. Reuters. May 6, 1997.
Blenkin M. Aussie technology may help knock down SCUDs. AAP. May 7, 1997.
Fumento M. "60 Minutes" on Gulf War: the "unedited" version. Wall Street Journal. March 7, 1997.
Smith B. Marines: chemicals found in Kuwait. Associated Press. May 7, 1997.
Gulf War veterans� benefits expanded. Miles City Star, Miles City, MT. May 8, 1997.
Knutson LL. Nerve gas drug. Associated Press. May 8, 1997.
Manning A. Bacteria�s damage has hidden depths. USA Today. May 8, 1997.
McVeigh describes himself as "animal." Reuters. May 8, 1997.
Pentagon hid risk of Gulf War drug, FDA said. Associated Press. May 8, 1997.
Smith B. Gulf illnesses. Associated Press. May 8, 1997.
Baker D. Ruling allows recourse for Gulf War illnesses. Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UT. May 9, 1997.
FDA mulls risk of Gulf War drug. Associated Press. May 9, 1997.
Hanchette J. Gulf War illnesses may help alter long-held scientific model. Gannett News Service. May 9, 1997.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. Missing Gulf War logs surface. Potomac News. May 10, 1997.
Islamic declares holy war on US. Associated Press. May 10, 1997.
Brewer N. Gulf War activists: Pentagon town meetings haven�t helped credibility. Gannett News Service. May 11, 1997.
British studies of "Gulf War syndrome." Associated Press. May 11, 1997.
Weiner T. Iraqis in jail in California. New York Times. May 11, 1997.
Bushouse K. VA now processing claims in Florida. Sun-Sentinel, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. May 12, 1997.
Butcher T. Gulf syndrome plan heralds new openness. Daily Telegraph, United Kingdom. May 12, 1997.
Evans M. Minister promises urgent action over Gulf War illnesses. The Times, United Kingdom. May 12, 1997.
Miller C. MOD medical examinations. PA News. May 12, 1997.
Saudis� missiles "drop from sight." Associated Press. May 12, 1997.
US might seek to oust Saddam, Kuwait envoy. Reuters. May 12, 1997.
Weible J. Pentagon defends investigation against claims. Navy Times. May 12, 1997.
Weible J. A new information outlet. Navy Times. May 12, 1997.
Goodman A. Iraqi arms acquisition data are US top priority. Reuters. May 13, 1997.
Lanosga G. Gulf War syndrome investigation dogged, Defense official says. Indianapolis Star. May 13, 1997.
Military medical observing improves. Associated Press. May 13, 1997.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. Newly discovered logs suggest Pentagon cover-up. Gannett News Service. May 14, 1997.
Narciso D. Veterans seek answers about Gulf War illness. Columbus Dispatch. May 14, 1997.
PR Newswire. VA redistributes processing of undiagnosed Gulf illness claims. PR Newswire. May 14, 1997.
PR Newswire. VA redistributes processing of undiagnosed Gulf illness claims. PR Newswire. May 14, 1997.
Shenon P. Study links memory loss to nerve gas, as in Gulf. New York Times. May 14, 1997.
State VA office to get Gulf War claims. Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT. May 16, 1997.
Timms E. Experimental chemical arms detector was rejected. Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX. May 16, 1997.
Andruskevich G. VA redistributes processing of undiagnosed Gulf illness claims. Union Leader, Manchester, NH. May 17, 1997.
Ritter L. Change means little to area vets. Lebanon Daily News. May 17, 1997.
Gulf War seen through Arab eyes. Associated Press. May 18, 1997.
McCarthy D. VA regulation gives Gulf War claims more time. Providence Journal-Bulletin. May 19, 1997.
Weible J. Another potential Gulf illness source? Navy Times. May 19, 1997:10.
Weible J. Not in our backyard. Army Times. May 19, 1997.
Explosion at Dugway to simulate one blamed for Gulf War syndrome. Associated Press. May 21, 1997.
Ritter L. VA officials say local Gulf vets will get good care. Lebanon Daily News. May 23, 1997.
Timms E. Powder that sickened soldiers identified. Dallas Morning News. May 23, 1997.
Kramer G. Vets target Gulf War illnesses. Associated Press. May 24, 1997.
Veterans Administration reviewing claims from Gulf War veterans. Connecticut Post. May 25, 1997.
Adde N. Pleading your case at home: soon, regional offices to hear vets� complaints. Navy Times. May 26, 1997:10.
Weible J. Researchers come closer to an answer: memory loss linked to nerve gas, pesticides. Navy Times. May 26, 1997:10.
Weible J. Panel claims Pentagon falling short on Gulf illness work. Army Times. May 26, 1997.
Weible J. "A stunning indifference to life." Army Times. May 26, 1997.
Weible J. Study findings may link Gulf vets� memory loss to nerve gas. Army Times. May 26, 1997.
Weible J. Rudman will serve as Gulf illness advisor. Navy Times. May 26, 1997:10.
Gannett News Service. Paying the price of war. Asheville Citizen-Times, Asheville, NC. May 27, 1997.
Gannett News Service. Vet: war exposures caused his baby�s death. Asheville Citizen-Times, Asheville, NC. May 27, 1997.
Hackett J. Saddam and the risk of germ warfare. Washington Times. May 27, 1997.
Washington-Valdez D. Minorities, women report higher rates of Gulf War illness. El Paso Times. May 27, 1997.
Walker SM. VA to decide on Gulf War compensation claims. Prescott Daily Courier, Prescott, AZ. May 28, 1997.
Israelsen B. Illness test rescheduled. Salt Lake Tribune. May 29, 1997.
Williams TD. Schwarzkopf denies Gulf War cover-up. Hartford Courant. May 30, 1997.
Adde N. VA change should speed Gulf illness compensation. Army Times. June 2, 1997.
Emery G. Birth defects no higher for Gulf War vets children. Reuters. June 4, 1997.
Gulf War and birth defects. Reuters. June 4, 1997.
Parks D. Gulf War conspiracy theorist to speak. Birmingham News. June 4, 1997.
Science News. No extra birth defects for Gulf babies. United Press International Science News. June 4, 1997.
Study: no link between Gulf War service and birth defects. Associated Press. June 4, 1997.
Associated Press. Study of Gulf veterans� babies called reassuring. New York Times. June 5, 1997.
Bacque P. Gulf vets� babies not at risk. Richmond Times-Dispatch. June 5, 1997.
Brice A. Gulf vets question study on birth defects. Atlanta Constitution. June 5, 1997.
Brown D. No birth-defect rise found in Gulf War soldiers� babies. Washington Post. June 5, 1997.
Bush GM. Gulf War vets have normal babies. Long Beach Press-Telegram. June 5, 1997.
Good news for vets. USA Today. June 5, 1997.
Gulf War veterans not linked to birth defects, study finds. The Outlook, Santa Monica, CA. June 5, 1997.
Monmaney T. Study finds no Gulf War link to birth defect risk. Los Angeles Times. June 5, 1997.
Shaw C. Mom disputes new evidence Gulf War not cause of birth defects. Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, MS. June 5, 1997.
Weible J. Study exposes Fox vehicle�s limitations. Navy Times. June 9, 1997.
Burns R. Army refining approach to chemical arms. Associated Press. June 12, 1997.
Goodman W. Re Gulf War syndrome: is too much made of it? New York Times. June 13, 1997.
Associated Press. Report: Study links weapons, illness. Washington Post. June 14, 1997.
Associated Press. GAO blasts Pentagon, White House. USA Today. June 15, 1997.
Brewer N, Hanchette J. Civilian gets back pay for Persian Gulf War exposures. Potomac News. June 15, 1997.
Report: evidence links chemical weapons to Gulf War-type sicknesses. Associated Press. June 15, 1997.
Shenon P. Studies on Gulf War illnesses are faulted: a government report finds evidence of chemical weapons link. New York Times. June 15, 1997.
Shenon P. Study links chemicals to sick veterans. New York Times. June 15, 1997.
Associated Press. Pentagon defends efforts on illness. New York Times. June 16, 1997.
Cohen defends Pentagon effort to resolve Gulf illness mystery. Associated Press. June 16, 1997.
Division MoDI. Veterans� doctor invited back. Ministry of Defence News. June 16, 1997.
GAO study: evidence links Gulf War illnesses to chemical weapons. Associated Press. June 16, 1997.
Gore C. Ex-CIA analyst claims intelligence gap in Gulf. Tribune-Review. June 16, 1997.
Powell B. Gulf War syndrome called beyond debate. USA Today. June 16, 1997.
Weible J. Study: Gulf vets� babies not harmed by war service. Navy Times. June 16, 1997:9.
Weible J. Study: No greater rate of birth defects for Gulf vet babies. Army Times. June 16, 1997.
Weible J. GAO: success of medical tracking in Bosnia "mixed." Army Times. June 16, 1997.
Burns R. Cohen punctuates his Gulf visit with tough talk on Iran. Washington Times. June 17, 1997.
Evans M. Reid brings back Gulf War doctor. The Times. United Kingdom. June 17, 1997.
Gulf War veterans. Associated Press. June 17, 1997.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. Pentagon stung by Gulf War illness report. USA Today. June 17, 1997.
Priest D. GAO draft report suggests link between gas, Gulf vets� illness: Pentagon, agency clash on research conclusions. The Washington Post. June 17, 1997.
Ritter L. Doctor lauds Gulf report. Lebanon Daily News. June 17, 1997.
Smyth-Watson K. Gulf syndrome doctor quits. The Independent. June 17, 1997:4.
Gillert DJ. Officials challenge Gulf War illness investigation report. American Forces Press Service. June 18, 1997.
Puglisi M. Gulf War babies. Washington Post. June 18, 1997.
Gram D. Congressmen seek reopening of Gulf War illness investigation. Associated Press. June 19, 1997.
VA admits problems in veterans� care. Associated Press. June 19, 1997.
Cary P. Were Americans nerve-gassed? US News World Report. June 20, 1997.
Knutson LL. VA admits errors with Gulf vets. Associated Press. June 20, 1997.
Parks D. VA admits some Gulf veterans got poor medical care. Birmingham News. June 20, 1997.
VA doctor criticizes medical treatment of Gulf War veterans. Baltimore Sun. June 20, 1997.
Wilson GC. GAO: chemicals possible culprit in Gulf ailments. Navy Times. June 20, 1997:9.
Shenon P. Lawmakers ask White House to revisit Gulf War illnesses. New York Times. June 21, 1997.
McManners H. Vaccine clue found to Gulf War syndrome. Sunday Times. June 22, 1997.
Parks D. War logs record gas attack. Birmingham News. June 22, 1997.
Aldinger C. Report attacks probe of Gulf War illnesses. Reuters. June 23, 1997.
VA changes procedures around undiagnosed Gulf illness claims. Asheville Citizen-Times, Asheville, NC June 23, 1997.
War logs generate controversy. States News Service. June 23, 1997.
Associated Press. US House approves amendment to evaluate Gulf War vets. Dow Jones News. June 24, 1997.
Diamond J. Gulf War illness. Associated Press. June 24, 1997.
Diamond J. Report criticizes Gulf illness probe: Pentagon, VA accused of lack of effort, initiative. USA Today. June 24, 1997.
Power J. Biological weapons: A thorny conundrum. Jakarta Post. June 24, 1997:5.
Robbins K. Clinton panel meets in Memphis: veterans share tales of "Gulf War syndrome." Commercial Appeal, Memphis, TN. June 25, 1997.
Reuters . US raises estimate of troops near Iraqi chemical arms. Washington Post. June 27, 1997.
Diamond J. Report: Gulf War weapon claims exaggerated. Associated Press. June 28, 1997.
Dobson R. Cure nears for Gulf War syndrome. UK Sunday Times. June 29, 1997.
Fox M. Fight genetic weapons, British doctors urge. Reuters. July 1, 1997.
Graves announces appointment of three to Gulf War board. Associated Press. July 3, 1997.
Doctors urged to oppose non-lethal weapons. Reuters. July 11, 1997.
Report: 80,000 may have been exposed to chemicals in Gulf. Associated Press. July 11, 1997.
Report: chemicals in Gulf possible. Associated Press. July 11, 1997.
Britain announces new research into Gulf War syndrome. Associated Press. July 14, 1997.
British government to do new research into Gulf War illness. Reuters. July 14, 1997.
FDA: Troops must warn blood banks. Associated Press. July 18, 1997.
Schafer SM. Numbers of rockets, date of chemical pit demolition reviewed. Associated Press. July 18, 1997.
US blew up fewer Iraqi rockets, war analysts say. USA Today. July 18, 1997.
Hackworth D. Dr. Leisure takes a hit at Lebanon VA, fights back. Patriot-News, Harrisburg, PA. July 20, 1997.
Associated Press. Pentagon still estimating extent of Gulf War chemical exposures. American Medical News. July 21, 1997.
Gulf War veterans deserve help. Hartford Courant. July 21, 1997.
Maze R. Pentagon ups number of troops exposed to toxic weapons in Persian Gulf. Army Times. July 21, 1997.
Maze R. Up to 80,000 may have been exposed. Navy Times. July 21, 1997:10.
Weible J. Vets losing patience with Pentagon�s research efforts. Navy Times. July 21, 1997:10.
Burns R. Pentagon ups Gulf exposure estimate. Associated Press. July 23, 1997.
Burns R. Pentagon says nearly 100,000 US troops exposed to Iraqi poison gas. Associated Press. July 24, 1997.
Komarow S. Gulf War gas estimate raised. USA Today. July 24, 1997.
Komorow S. More troops exposed to fallout in Gulf, Pentagon says. USA Today. July 24, 1997.
Priest D. Gas exposure in Gulf War revisited. Washington Post. July 24, 1997.
Shenon P. Study sharply raises estimate of troops exposed to nerve gas. New York Times. July 24, 1997.
Associated Press. US tells Gulf veterans of exposure during war. Washington Times. July 25, 1997.
Burns R. Pentagon notifying Gulf War troops of gas exposure. Associated Press. July 25, 1997.
Pentagon: nerve gas hit up to 99,000 in Gulf War. USA Today. July 25, 1997.
Shenon P. New evidence on nerve gas in Gulf War spurs inquiry. New York Times. July 25, 1997.
Stevens K. VA tempers Gulf War gas warning. Fresno Bee. July 25, 1997.
Walters N. Military ups estimate of Gulf War soldiers exposed to toxic gas. Philadelphia Inquirer. July 25, 1997.
Zabarenko D. 99,000 possibly exposed to Gulf War gas. Reuters. July 25, 1997.
Clay D. Noted researcher fired from veterans hospital. Reading Eagle-Times, Reading, PA. July 26, 1997.
Breidenbach M. Former 174th Commander to testify on Gulf War illness. Post-Standard, Syracuse, NY. July 28, 1997.
Funk D. Going after the treatment, not the cause. Navy Times. July 28, 1997:10.
Funk D. Symptoms documented in Gulf vets. Army Times. July 28, 1997.
Hudson N. Gulflink: web site is open to candor, abuse. Army Times. July 28, 1997.
Associated Press. Army to burn nerve gases in Oregon. New York Times. July 29, 1997.
Associated Press. FDA debates military medication. New York Times. July 29, 1997.
Pentagon misinformation, denials betray Gulf vets. USA Today. July 29, 1997.
Rostker B. Vets� health comes first. USA Today. July 29, 1997.
Wald ML. US atomic tests in �50s exposed millions to risk, study says. New York Times. July 29, 1997.
British as well as US troops were exposed to poison gas in Iraq. Associated Press. July 30, 1997.
Davis HL. Vets testify at hearings on Persian Gulf War illnesses. Buffalo News. July 30, 1997.
Shenon P. UN reveals new evidence of gas from 2nd Iraqi depot. New York Times. July 30, 1997.
Priest D. CIA explores Gulf exposure to mustard gas. Washington Post. July 31, 1997.
Shenon P. Defense Department dismisses a report on Iraqi gas. New York Times. July 31, 1997.
Showalter E. Gulf War syndrome: all in the mind�s eye. The Independent, London, England. July 31, 1997.
Parker P. The gunfire goes on, even when combat is over. Daily Telegraph. London, England. August 1997.
Ackerman T. Gulf War syndrome is real, study says: Some veterans suffer form of brain damage. Houston Chronicle, Houston, TX. August 1, 1997.
Poison gas from the second Iraqi site. Arabic News. August 1, 1997.
Some Gulf War vets said to have brain damage. Reuters. August 1, 1997.
Beil L. Study ties brain damage to "Gulf War syndrome." Dallas Morning News. August 2, 1997.
Vrazo F. The witch�s brew. Philadelphia Inquirer. August 2, 1997:A1.
Booker C. Timpanist wins 1.9 m pounds for exposure to pesticide. Daily Telegraph. London, England. August 3, 1997.
Funk D. Congress: what�s working for sick Gulf War vets? Army Times. August 4, 1997.
Funk D. Pentagon confirms mass exposure to nerve gas. Navy Times. August 4, 1997:11.
Funk D. Nerve gas estimate expanded to 100,000. Army Times. August 4, 1997.
Ritter L. Specter hears Gulf vets� woes. Lebanon Daily News. August 5, 1997.
New biological weapons team starts work in Iraq. Associated Press. August 10, 1997.
Rodriguez PM. Anti-HIV mix found in Gulf veterans. Washington Times. August 11, 1997.
Miller C. Veterans anger as Gulf War sickness campaigner dies. PA News. August 12, 1997.
Women seeking Gulf War damages plan appeal. Reuters. August 12, 1997.
Hanchette J. Pentagon was aware of Gulf chemical threat. USA Today. August 13, 1997.
Richmond R. Showtime unveils high-profile dramas. Reuters. August 13, 1997.
Schafer SM. Pentagon: chemical agent contamination in four cases unlikely. Associated Press. August 13, 1997.
Associated Press. Pentagon: chemical exposure unlikely in four cases. USA Today. August 14, 1997.
Hanchette J. Chemical risk to Gulf troops was forecast. USA Today. August 14, 1997.
Schafer SM. Pentagon discounts chemical exposure in Persian Gulf. Associated Press. August 14, 1997.
Williams R. Gore vows support for Vietnam, Gulf War veterans, families. American Forces Press. August 14, 1997.
Williams TD. Uranium shells in Gulf War sickened many soldiers, expert says. Hartford Courant. August 14, 1997.
Hanchette J. Schwarzkopf: I didn�t see chemical report. USA Today. August 15, 1997.
Parks D. Vaccination plan drawing criticism. Birmingham News. August 17, 1997.
US soldiers not warned of ammunition danger � report. Reuters. August 17, 1997.
Funk D. CIA probe: did Gulf troops ingest mustard gas? Navy Times. August 18, 1997.
Rostker B. Report reached no conclusion. USA Today. August 18, 1997.
Gulf War panel may change mind. Associated Press. August 19, 1997.
Shenon P. Chemical weapons may be a factor in Gulf War illness. New York Times. August 19, 1997.
Reid T. Gulf veterans at war over M16 claim. Daily Telegraph, London, England. August 24, 1997.
Ellig T. Gulf War syndrome plan sought. Spokesman Review. August 28, 1997.
Experts may reassess Gulf War ills. USA Today. August 28, 1997.
Gulf War soldier exposed to mustard gas. United Press International. August 28, 1997.
Schafer SM. Pentagon: soldier probably injured by mustard agent. Associated Press. August 28, 1997.
Madigan B. Unanswered questions: veterans of Gulf War still plagued by various illnesses. Morning Journal, Martinsburg, WV. August 31, 1997.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. Care for Gulf War vets is inadequate, doctor says. Seattle Times. September 4, 1997.
Burns R. Panel: let scientists die. Associated Press. September 5, 1997.
CIA says Iraqi munitions gas didn�t reach U.S. troops. Richmond Times-Dispatch. September 5, 1997:6.
CIA says no US troops exposed to gas. Associated Press. September 5, 1997.
Burns R. Gulf War illness probe change urged. Associated Press. September 6, 1997.
Group wants panel on Gulf War illness. Washington Times. September 6, 1997.
McAllister B. Benefits, care urged for ailing Gulf War veterans. Washington Post. September 6, 1997:A4.
Shenon P. Panel wants Pentagon to lose Gulf-inquiry articles. New York Times. September 6, 1997.
Hafidh H. Iraq to disclose germ warfare programme to UN. Reuters. September 9, 1997.
Hanchette J. Helms favors tobacco firms over vets. USA Today. September 10, 1997.
Iraq promising to reveal its full biological program to UN, says Butler. Associated Press. September 10, 1997.
Gulf War denial. Bangor Daily News. September 13-14, 1997.
Military mum on health risks of radioactive ammo. Associated Press. September 14, 1997.
Brewer N, Hanchette J. Gulf illness treated "cavalierly." Schwarzkopf says he, Pentagon made errors. USA Today. September 15, 1997.
Britain launches new research into Gulf War syndrome. American Medical News. September 15, 1997.
Military exposing more to lessons on biological weapons. Associated Press. September 16, 1997.
Doctors, angry dieters, scramble to replace obesity drugs. Associated Press. September 17, 1997.
Parks D. Uranium bullets likely hurt U.S. soldiers, too. Birmingham News. September 17, 1997.
Parks D. VA looking into concerns of depleted uranium ammo. Birmingham News. September 17, 1997.
Sanders lauds House for approving Gulf War illness study. Associated Press. September 17, 1997.
Gulf War research recommended. Alamogordo Daily News, Alamogordo, New Mexico. September 18, 1997.
UK, US discuss Gulf War syndrome research. Reuters. September 18, 1997.
Hafemeister R. Study: Gulf uniforms were permeable. Belleville News-Democrat. September 21, 1997.
Funk D. Pentagon admits Gulf War vet likely exposed to toxin. Army Times. September 22, 1997.
Funk D. Panel urges continued study on illnesses. Navy Times. September 22, 1997.
Hafemeister R. U.S. equipment failed to detect chemical agents in Gulf. Belleville News-Democrat. September 22, 1997.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. Gulf War vets left out in new version of Iraqi claims bill. Army Times. September 22, 1997.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. Vets shut out from Iraqi funds. Navy Times. September 22, 1997.
UN agencies put health warning on five pesticides. Reuters. September 23, 1997.
Aldinger C. White House panel said to criticize Gulf War probe. Reuters. September 24, 1997.
McAllister B. Mistrust of Pentagon on illness in Gulf grows, report concludes. Washington Post. September 24, 1997:A2.
Miller C. Reserve troops suffering from Gulf syndrome. PA News. September 24, 1997.
Expert: symptoms in Oak Ridge similar to those reported after Gulf War. Associated Press. September 25, 1997.
Pentagon, Clinton Gulf War panel clash. United Press International Science News. September 25, 1997.
US Gulf War illness. Associated Press. September 25, 1997.
Krauss C. Pentagon should retain role in illness inquiry, Cohen says. New York Times. September 26, 1997.
Davis W. Gulf War "cover-up" on squalene coming unraveled. Union Leader, Manchester, NH September 27, 1997.
End squabble on Gulf War ills. Charleston Post. September 27, 1997.
Funk D. Committee on Gulf War illnesses stick to findings. Army Times. September 29, 1997.
Helms is at it again. Associated Press. September 30, 1997.
Country receives 48.9 million in Gulf War compensation. Reuters. October 1, 1997.
Lawmakers give veterans second billing on Iraq claims. Associated Press. October 1, 1997.
House protests handing of Iraqi claims fund. Associated Press. October 2, 1997.
Iraq blocks UN inspectors from visiting sites. Associated Press. October 2, 1997.
UT Southwestern gets $3 million for Gulf War study. Associated Press. October 3, 1997.
Adde N. Disabled, low-income vets to receive COLA raises. Army Times. October 6, 1997.
Funk D. Lawmaker: DoD can�t be trusted on Gulf illness. Navy Times. October 6, 1997.
Funk D. Panel advises independent look at Gulf syndrome. Army Times. October 6, 1997.
Funk D. House agrees: move Gulf illness studies outside of Pentagon. Army Times. October 6, 1997.
House passes veterans bills. Associated Press. October 6, 1997.
McKeown L. New agent helps Crohn�s disease. Reuters. October 8, 1997.
Funk D. Investigators: Marines likely not exposed to chemicals. Army Times. October 13, 1997.
Colley J. Partial victory for chemicals claim farmhand. PA News. October 17, 1997.
Hafemeister R. Aid for veterans delayed. Belleville News-Democrat. October 19, 1997.
Kloeckner R, Hafemeister R. Service took his strength. Belleville News-Democrat. October 19, 1997.
Rosenthal AM. The chosen weapon. New York Times. October 22, 1997.
Gulf War chemical log entries found. Associated Press. October 23, 1997.
Aldinger C. Pentagon: No conspiracy to hide Gulf War logs. Reuters. October 24, 1997.
Priest D. Gulf War logs on chemicals reported lost in office move. Washington Post. October 24, 1997.
Shenon P. Investigators find excerpts of Gulf War chemical logs. New York Times. October 24, 1997.
Shenon P. Excerpts from missing logs of Gulf War are discovered. New York Times. October 24, 1997.
Too early to judge value of Gulf logs. United Press International. October 24, 1997.
Gulf War illnesses. Associated Press. October 25, 1997.
Congress slams Pentagon on Gulf illness. Reuters. October 26, 1997.
Hafemeister R. Missing Gulf War paperwork key to understanding illnesses, veterans say. Belleville News-Democrat. October 26, 1997.
Shenon P. House panel critical of Pentagon Gulf War syndrome inquiry. New York Times. October 26, 1997.
Funk D. Pentagon seeks to oversee experimental drugs. Army Times. October 27, 1997.
Funk D. Pentagon smalled for testing drugs on troops. Navy Times. October 27, 1997.
Funk D. Military proposes use of experimental drugs at home. Navy Times. October 27, 1997.
Gulf War syndrome. USA Today. October 27, 1997.
Pentagon mum on critical Gulf report. United Press International Science News. October 27, 1997.
Reuters . Hill panel to fault federal agencies for Gulf War syndrome investigation. Washington Times. October 27, 1997.
Gulf report disappoints Pentagon. United Press International. October 28, 1997.
Majendie P. Gulf troops got vaccines unlicensed in UK minister. Reuters. October 28, 1997.
Tuite JJ, III. The Pentagon bungled its investigation of chemical exposure in the Gulf. Washington Times. October 28, 1997:A22.
Aldinger C. Congressional panel flails Pentagon on Gulf War ills. Reuters. October 29, 1997.
Butcher T. MoD blundered over vaccines for Gulf troops. Daily Telegraph, London, England. October 29, 1997.
Gannett News Service. Capital roundup: Gulf War illness. USA Today. October 29, 1997.
Gannett News Service. House rails agencies in Gulf War probe. Asheville Citizen-Times, Asheville, NC. October 29, 1997.
Morse A. House: Gulf vets wronged. ABC News. October 29, 1997.
Associated Press. Gulf War report. The Washington Post. October 30, 1997.
Burns R. Gulf War illnesses. Associated Press. October 30, 1997.
Campbell A. Gulf War made me a Jekyll and Hyde. Evening Times, London, England. October 30, 1997.
Gulf War illnesses. USA Today. October 30, 1997.
House panel criticizes handling of Gulf troops. Washington Times. October 30, 1997.
Layzer R. Gulf War drug doesn�t have side effects. New York Times. October 31, 1997.
Saddam...again. USA Today. October 31, 1997.
Shenon P. Expert panel says Pentagon ignored evidence of poison gas. New York Times. October 31, 1997.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. House panel: 4 agencies failed sick Gulf War vets. The Detroit News. October 30, 1997.
Sheehan R. Vindicated Gulf War vets now want action. News & Observer, Raleigh, North Carolina October 30, 1997.
Spicer O. Two-day conference will help veterans. Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. October 30, 1997.
New Navy and CDC study finds Goldenhar syndrome three times more frequent in Gulf veterans� children. ABDC News. November 1997-12:1.
House committee adopts Gulf illness report. Reuters. November 1, 1997.
Parker R. New probe urged on Gulf illnesses. San Jose Mercury News. November 1, 1997.
Associated Press. Plan includes setting a basis for compensation. Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, OK. November 2, 1997.
Eddington P. Military authorities have learned little from Gulf War syndrome. Fort Worth Star-Telegram. November 2, 1997.
Gulf War syndrome chronology: A sickening feeling. Fort Worth Star-Telegram. November 2, 1997.
Report says Iraq has lethal nerve agent. United Press International. November 2, 1997.
Associated Press. Court: panels subject to scrutiny. New York Times. November 3, 1997.
Parks D. Report: stress not cause of vets� ills. Birmingham News. November 3, 1997.
Pentagon bias on Gulf War illness. New York Times. November 3, 1997.
Rostker B. Gulf War illness. New York Times. November 5, 1997.
Brice A. Gulf veterans gather as calls grow for new look at mystery illness. Atlanta Constitution. November 7, 1997.
Baker P, McAllister B. More help for Gulf War veterans on the way. Washington Post. November 8, 1997.
Brown D. $3 million study of Gulf War illnesses criticized. Washington Post. November 8, 1997.
Richter P. Clinton to form oversight panel on Gulf War illnesses. Los Angeles Times. November 8, 1997.
Shenon P. President decides on panel to supervise Gulf inquiry. New York Times. November 8, 1997.
Brown D. Independent panel recommended to oversee probe of Gulf War illness. Washington Post. November 9, 1997.
Gannett News Service. Clinton unveils health program for Gulf vets. Salt Lake Tribune. November 9, 1997.
Panel to oversee research on Gulf War illness. Associated Press. November 9, 1997.
Yetiv S. The still-elusive Gulf War syndrome. San Diego Union-Tribune. November 9, 1997.
Funk D. Easier path for sick Gulf vets in the works. Navy Times. November 10, 1997.
Gulf War illness. USA Today. November 10, 1997.
Hafemeister R. Researcher: US risks lives of some Gulf vets. Belleville News-Democrat. November 10, 1997.
Hafemeister R. Gulf vets get apology from lawmaker. Belleville News-Democrat. November 10, 1997.
Yates P. Gulf syndrome looms large. USA Today. November 10, 1997.
Robb DB. Government does care for veterans. Asheville Citizen-Times, Asheville, NC. November 11, 1997.
US DoD: $12 million awarded for Gulf War health. COMTEX CustomWires. November 11, 1997.
Resolve Gulf War vet issues. Post and Courier, Charleston, SC. November 12, 1997.
Parks D. Gulf War veterans push new probe. Birmingham News. November 13, 1997.
Uyttebrouck O. Expert says resolving Gulf War ills key to germ, gas defense. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. November 14, 1997.
It�s about time: A credible federal probe of Gulf War syndrome. San Diego Union-Tribune. November 16, 1997.
A credible federal probe of Gulf War syndrome. San Diego Union-Tribune. November 17, 1997.
Funk D. Parts of missing logs found: investigators find no evidence of conspiracy to destroy chemical documents. Army Times. November 17, 1997.
New Jersey news in brief. United Press International. November 17, 1997.
Suplee C. Congress addresses access to academy of sciences. Washington Post. November 17, 1997.
Williams TD. Poll finds Gulf War symptoms. Hartford Courant. November 17, 1997.
Brown D. Where technical knowledge, public policy cross paths: As Gulf War illness panel winds down, director reflects on its challenges and controversy. Washington Post. November 24, 1997:A23.
Funk D. Congress hands out hits, misses for reserve benefits: better health care for Gulf vets ahead. Army Times. November 24, 1997.
Funk D. Mixed reviews for Gulf illness plan of attack. Navy Times. December 1, 1997.
Burns R. Too rare a condition: Gulf War and birth defect not linked. Associated Press. December 2, 1997.
Burns R. Finding a higher rate of Gulf War birth defects called inconclusive. Associated Press. December 2, 1997.
Adde N. Gulf illness case may mar doctrine�s armor. Army Times. December 4, 1997.
Fleming M. "Dish" column. Daily Variety. December 4, 1997.
Williams TD. Birth defect rate higher among veterans� children. Hartford Courant. December 5, 1997:A24.
Liberman E. Gulf War vets urged to join new national medical listing. Journal-Bulletin, Providence, RI. December 7, 1997.
Smith E. Living with the pain of post-traumatic stress. USA Today. December 8, 1997.
Parks D. US neglects Gulf War vets, Bachus says. Birmingham News. December 13, 1997.
All US troops to get anthrax inoculation. Associated Press. December 15, 1997.
All US troops to get anthrax vaccine. CNN Interactive. December 15, 1997.
Fast track: Gulf War babies. Army Times. December 15, 1997.
Inside the beltway: combat vets. Washington Times. December 15, 1997.
Graham B. Pentagon plans to inoculate troops against anthrax bacteria. Washington Post. December 16, 1997.
Myers SL. US armed forces to be vaccinated against anthrax. New York Times. December 16, 1997.
Rodriguez G. Pentagon orders all US military personnel receive anthrax vaccine. Dallas Morning News. December 16, 1997.
Gulf veterans hand back medals in syndrome protest. Reuters. December 17, 1997.
Veterans plan Gulf medals protest. UK Daily Mail. December 17, 1997.
Tuite JJ, III. Anthrax inoculations. New York Times. December 19, 1997.
DoD/FDA on vaccines in Gulf War. Associated Press. December 21, 1997.
Funk D. Breakthrough in stopping nerve agents� fatal effects. Navy Times. December 22, 1997.
Report: Gulf War vaccine had its critics. USA Today. December 22, 1997.
Associated Press. Persian Gulf War vaccine had unknown health effects. Washington Post. December 23, 1997.
Greenberg DS. Medical research bandwagon. Washington Post. December 24, 1997.
Using troops as guinea pigs: Pentagon ignored ethics concerns with experimental vaccine. Kansas City Star. December 24, 1997.
Kornkven C. Do right for Gulf War vets. Army Times. December 29, 1997.
Davidson R. A lack of credibility. Salon, 1997.
Cohen G. Radioactive warfare. Multinational Monitor. Vol. 17, 1997.
Gottlick J. VA funding goes to conference. US Med 1997.
Offley E. Main lead: Despite fears of Gulf War germ attacks, US unable to develop sensors. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Seattle, WA, 1997.
Shaw C. Mom disputes new evidence Gulf War not cause of birth defects. Clarion-Ledger. Jackson, MS, 1997.
Persian Gulf vets get more time to present claims. WA Veterans Benefits News. Vol. 3, 1997:1.
Pentagon poison: The great radioactive ammo cover-up. The Nation, 1997.
Rosenthal AM. The chosen weapon. New York Times, New York, NY, 1997.
McKenna K. Tracking Gulf War illness: the Birmingham News� Dave Parks pursued the story from the start. AJR, 1997.
United Press International Science News. Schwarzkopf Logs Offer Few Weapons Clues. United Press
United Press International Science News. Schwarzkopf doubts chemical sickened vets.
United Press United Press International Science News. Official: More Gulf alerts likely. United Press
United Press International Science News. State to consider Persian Gulf syndrome. United Press
Fumento M. Gulf Lore Syndrome. Reason, 1997:23-33.
Gober HW. Vets owed more than paper gives them. Birmingham News, Birmingham, AL. January 1, 1998.
Fahey D. Vet organizations don�t speak for all. Army Times. January 5, 1998.
Gannett News Service. Delays vet withstood especially significant. Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, AL. January 5, 1998.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. Montgomery area veterans remain dissatisfied. Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, AL. January 5, 1998.
Timperlake E. The war that makes men sick. Washington Times. January 6, 1998.
Sullivan K. Troops exposed to toxins: depleted uranium in Gulf War weapons. Austin American-Statesman, Austin, TX. January 10, 1998.
Erlich J. Revamp toxic weapons strategy, panel says. Navy Times. January 12, 1998.
Funk D. Focus on Gulf ailments shifts from blaming to treating. Navy Times. January 12, 1998.
Funk D. Troops to get shots to counter anthrax. Navy Times. January 12, 1998.
Gulf illness study. Omaha World-Herald. January 12, 1998.
Pexton PB. Pentagon can�t be trusted with experimental drugs. Washington Post. January 12, 1998.
Garelik G. Advise on Gulf syndrome issued. United Press International. January 14, 1998.
Ross E. Gulf War vets face more illness. Associated Press. January 14, 1998.
Blazar E. Game of chicken. Washington Times. January 15, 1998.
Hafemeister R. Weapons "nuked" US troops in Gulf: majority of troops possibly exposed. Belleville News-Democrat. January 18, 1998.
Wastell D, Jones G. Veterans hand back Gulf War medals. UK Daily Telegraph. January 18, 1998.
Borsux AJ. As years pass, frustration grows for ailing Gulf veterans. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. January 19, 1998.
Causey M. An assist for Gulf veterans. Washington Post. January 20, 1998.
Goodman W. On Gulf veterans, head vs. the heart. New York Times. January 20, 1998.
Borsux AJ. Gulf War vet to get pension for ailments. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. January 22, 1998.
Whittle D. Going on the air with battle against Gulf War sickness. Daily News Journal. January 22, 1998.
Whittle D. Fighting military no easy task: wife of Gulf War veteran suffering from disease recounts struggle. Daily News Journal. January 23, 1998.
Pincus W. US analysis of chemical and biological warfare is flawed, panel says. Washington Post. January 24, 1998:A22.
Sloat B, Epstein K. Army misled troops who got vaccine in Bosnia: FDA blasts military for improper use of unapproved drug. Cleveland Plain Dealer. January 25, 1998:1.
FDA: Pentagon violated vaccine rule. Associated Press. January 26, 1998.
Funk D. Missing logs of possible chemical detections found. Navy Times. January 26, 1998.
Funk D. Pentagon admits uranium exposure in Gulf. Navy Times. January 26, 1998.
Gulf Veterans suffer in a limbo of secrecy over syndrome. The Herald, United Kingdom. January 26, 1998.
Hafemeister R. Many CIA documents touch on war. Belleville News-Democrat. January 26, 1998.
Whittle D. Couple foresees film changing lives forever: showtime of air chronicle on Gulf War syndrome. Daily News Journal. January 27, 1997.
Sullivan P. Gulf illnesses: an ongoing crisis. Stars and Stripes. February 2, 1998.
US alert on Saddam�s secret SCUDs. The London Times. February 12, 1998.
Wade N. Anthrax findings fuel worry on vaccine. New York Times. February 3, 1998.
Pierie J. Gulf War soldier�s memory endures. Post-Standard, Syracuse, NY. February 5, 1998.
Hafemeister R. British avoiding vaccines for troops in Gulf. Belleville News-Democrat. February 6, 1998.
Shafer SM. Iraq vs. the UN: showdown? Associated Press. February 9, 1998.
Shenon P. Bombing gas sites may pose risk of Gulf War syndrome. New York Times. February 11, 1998.
Smith D. Questions unanswered as bombing of Iraq ticks nearer: will DoD repeat mistakes? USA Today. February 13, 1998.
Bavley A. Scientists confront Iraq risk: military revises procedures to try to stop recurrence of Gulf War syndrome. Kansas City Star. February 15, 1998.
Funk D. CIA: agents didn�t withhold information on Gulf War illness. Navy Times. February 16, 1998.
Coughlin C. Anthrax deployed by Baghdad in Gulf War, says UN. Sydney Morning Herald. February 17,1998.
Funk D. CIA refutes cover-up book. Federal Times. February 16, 1998.
Bauder D. CBS mistakenly sends bombing report. Associated Press. February 20, 1998.
D. CBS mistakenly sends bombing report. Associated Press. February 20, 1998.
Hafemeister R. Pentagon says US troops vulnerable: biological, chemical dust can penetrate suits. Belleville News-Democrat. February 22, 1998.
Mini Labmobile on the front lines of veterans� health care. Sunday Gazette, Schenectady, NY. February 22, 1998.
Funk D. Institute probes Gulf vet illnesses, causes. Army Times. February 23, 1998.
Clinton sets chemical weapons panel. Associated Press. February 24, 1998.
Burns R. Study: 400,000 troops possibly contaminated by depleted uranium. Associated Press. March 2, 1998.
Defining a Gulf War veteran. Navy Times. March 2, 1998.
Hafemeister R. GIs unaware they were destroying nerve-gas rockets, documents say. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. March 2, 1998.
Hafemeister R. Depleted uranium is a threat, veterans say. Belleville News-Democrat. March 2, 1998.
Persian Gulf News. Navy Times. March 2, 1998.
Srinivasan K. Study: veterans exposed to uranium. Associated Press. March 2, 1998.
Study cites danger from Gulf War depleted uranium. Associated Press. March 2, 1998.
Britain begins anthrax shots for troops. United Press International. March 3, 1998.
Dahl D. Whistleblower: VA injections were improper. St. Petersburg Times. March 3, 1998.
Fallik D. Trauma yields to yoga therapy. Baltimore Sun. March 3, 1998.
Gertz B. Spy told Baghdad specifics of attack. Washington Times. March 3, 1998.
Whistleblower, VA reach deal. St. Petersburg Times, St. Petersburg, FL. March 4, 1998.
Zimmerman A. The war over Gulf War syndrome. Dallas Observer. March 4, 1998.
Rokke D. Troops deployed to Mideast without proper training. USA Today. March 6, 1998.
Another Gulf War outrage. The Herald. March 8, 1998:2E.
Cole LA. The nation: the unknown factors of the anthrax vaccine. Los Angeles Times. March 8, 1998.
Fisk R. 1991"s Persian Gulf War still claiming victims: cancer, particularly in children, is up near scene of fighting. Baltimore Sun. March 8, 1998:F6.
Havens C. Carlson thankful for new role. Stuart News, Stuart, FL. March 8, 1998:8.
Sweeney J. New answers trickling out on why Iraqi babies are dying. London Observer. March 8, 1998:8.
Riechmann D. "Designer bug" could elude anthrax vaccine. Army Times. March 9, 1998.
Bongioanni C. Bio sniffers sucking up desert air: Army mobile lab helps detect biological agents. European Stars and Stripes. March 10, 1998:3.
Sharpe R. Known mainly for its petri dishes, ATCC does hold deadly inventory. Wall Street Journal. March 10, 1998:B1.
Masko D. Anthrax shots optional for British troops. European Stars and Stripes. March 11, 1998:3.
Carr BA. Letters. Dallas Observer. March 12, 1998.
Shaw KA. Group says Gulf War monument plans advancing. Telegram and Gazette, Worcester, MA March 14, 1998:A3.
Hope for Gulf victims. News of the World. March 15, 1998.
New tests to tackle Gulf fever mystery. News of the World. March 15, 1998.
Tsimekles D. Gulf illness symptoms spread to vets� families. Clarksville Leaf Chronicle, Clarksville, TN. March 15, 1998.
Tsimelkes D. VA finally owns up to legacy of Vietnam. Clarksville Leaf Chronicle, Clarksville, TN. March 15, 1998.
Wives, partners complain of "burning semen." Clarksville Leaf Chronicle, Clarksville, TN. March 15, 1998.
Britain to test Gulf War veterans. Associated Press. March 16, 1998.
Maggrett D. Bill Evans would create permanent VA authority on Gulf illness compensation. Stars and Stripes/The National Tribune. March 16, 1998-29.
Bennett W. Clinical tests on Gulf War syndrome. London Daily Telegraph. London, England. March 17, 1998.
Britain probes Gulf War illnesses. United Press International. March 17, 1998.
Myers L. Pentagon limits anti-nerve gas drug. Associated Press. March 18, 1998.
Myers L. Pentagon to be more selective in vaccines. Seattle Times. March 18, 1998.
Pentagon to be more selective in use of troop vaccines. Associated Press. March 18, 1998.
Billington M. Kuwait school liquid not chemical agent. United Press International. March 19, 1998.
Pentagon slams survey saying 400,000 vets exposed to uranium. Associated Press. March 19, 1998.
US-British study: liquid at Kuwaiti school not chemical warfare agent. Associated Press. March 19, 1998.
Evans M. MOD investigates veterans� fears over Iraqi weapons. The Times. March 20, 1998.
Burrell I. Gulf forces got "high" on nerve drug. London Independent. March 22, 1998:18.
Donnelly J. Insight into Gulf War syndrome? Wisconsin State Journal. March 22, 1998.
Bill giving Gulf vets preference status ought to be passed. Washington Times. March 23, 1998.
Cockburn P, Burrell I. Overdose, Gulf illness linked: some soldiers took extra antidote for "high." Daily Oklahoma. March 29, 1998.
Funk D. Dogs studied for Gulf War illnesses. Air Force Times. March 30, 1998:2.
Funk D. Vaccinations: Senate warns DoD to get it right. Navy Times. March 30, 1998.
Means S. Writer debunks, angering believers; alien abduction among issues dismissed. Washington Times. April 3, 1998:A2.
Russian says Moscow knew US Gulf War plans. Reuters. April 3, 1998.
Adde N. Panel hopes to ease transition to civilian life. Navy Times. April 6, 1998.
Britain-Gulf War syndrome. Associated Press. April 6, 1998.
Brits: chemicals didn�t kill animals. Associated Press. April 6, 1998.
Castellon D. A paycheck for a doctor�s visit: active-duty pay given for Gulf illness checkup. Navy Times. April 6, 1998.
Daley B. Gulf veterans share stories of ill health. Hartford Courant. April 6, 1998:B-9.
Donnelly J. Iraqi cancers offer clues to Gulf War syndrome: uranium residue a prime suspect. Miami Herald. April 6, 1998.
Funk D. Research goes to the dogs. Army Times. April 6, 1998.
Funk D. Sick Gulf vets may be covered. Army Times. April 6, 1998.
Gulf veteran benefits becomes final. PR Newswire. April 6, 1998.
Gales A. Gulf War veterans snub British Legion. Associated Press. April 7, 1998.
Sri Lanka gets $33 million in Gulf War compensation. Reuters. April 7, 1998.
US uses flawed data for tracking Gulf War ills. Reuters,. April 9, 1998.
Gulf War illnesses. USA Today. April 10, 1998.
Williams TD. Military anthrax shot challenged. Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT. April 11, 1998.
Williams TD. Official information on Gulf War ills found unreliable. Hartford Courant, , Hartford, CT. April 11, 1998.
Brewer N, Hanchette J. One family�s battle against Gulf War illness. Gannett News Service. April 12, 1998.
Brewer N, Hanchette J. Private tests on Gulf War family reveal what military doctors didn�t. Gannett News Service. April 12, 1998.
Chronology of the Joneses health woes. Gannett News Service. April 12, 1998.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. California scientist thinks Gulf illness can be transmittable to family members. Gannett News Service. April 12, 1998.
Castellon D. Gulf vets to get travel benefits, basic pay for medical exams. Army Times. April 13, 1998.
Fast track: Gulf War illnesses. Navy Times. April 13, 1998.
Fillmore R. VA, DoD establishing lifelong computerized medical tracking system. Stars and Stripes. April 13, 1998-26.
Funk D. Dogs may hold answers. Navy Times. April 13, 1998.
Funk D. Sick Gulf War vets may get benefits: House bill may spell relief for those who suffer. Navy Times. April 13, 1998.
Maze R. No money to cover vets� smoking-related illnesses. Navy Times. April 13, 1998.
Salmon L. Gulf War syndrome may have killed veteran. Associated Press. April 15, 1998.
Vogt K. Sailor�s mother fears anthrax vaccine tainted. Denver Post. April 19, 1998.
Ginburg Y. Sailors refuse vaccine: 2 discharged, others punished. Navy Times. April 20, 1998.
Ginburg Y. You "don�t have the option to refuse," experts say. Navy Times. April 20, 1998.
Graham I. Gulf War syndrome�doc hopes for breakthrough. PA News. April 21, 1998.
Clements S. Gulf War illness focus of meeting. Times Record News, Wichita Falls, TX. April 24, 1998.
Hersh praises Flint servicemen. Chattanooga Times. April 24, 1998:A2.
Higgins R. New veterans affairs rule helps Gulf War vets. Sebastian Sun., Sebastian, FL. April 24, 1998:A10.
Brinkman L-B. Veterans tell of Gulf War illness concerns at meeting. Saturday Oklahoman. April 25, 1998:13.
Hammond P. Desert�s hazards still a mystery to medicine. Manchester Union Leader, Manchester, NH. April 26, 1998:B1.
Hammond P. Gulf vets cope with their ills. Manchester Union Leader, Manchester, NH. April 26, 1998:B1.
Ex-VA chief to head Gulf War board. Associated Press. April 27, 1998.
Government US uses flawed data for tracking Gulf War ills. Cancer Weekly Plus. April 27, 1998.
Secrecy laws hit Gulf sick: Fight to help veterans with Gulf War syndrome being foiled. The People, London, UK. April 26, 1998:7.
Abrams J. Report calls VA program ineffective. Associated Press. April 29, 1998.
Ex-VA chief named to Gulf War panel. Hampton Daily Press, Hampton, VA. April 29, 1998.
Luzadder D. House handles flurry of bills; session wanes. Rocky Mountain News, Denver, CO. April 29, 1998:29A.
Associated Press. Gulf veterans� health program criticized. North County Times, Fallbrook/Bonsall, CA. April 30, 1998.
Report blasts care of Gulf War veterans. Atlanta Constitution. April 30, 1998.
Report knocks VA Gulf War program. Associated Press. April 30, 1998.
Sleek S. Older vets just now feeling pain of war. APA Monitor. May 1998.
Sunshine J. The causality conundrum and Gulf War illnesses. Federal Practitioner. May 1998:81, 85.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. Memos suggest chemicals hit US troops after war. USA Today (International Edition). May 1, 1998:4A.
DoD schedules more Gulf War illnesses town hall meetings. Air Force News Service. May 2, 1998.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. Poor record-keeping hampers Pentagon probe of Gulf War exposures. Gannett News Service. May 2, 1998.
Vets� exams must go on. Huntington Herald-Dispatch. Huntington, WV. May 2, 1998.
Brewer N, Hanchette J. Illness from the Gulf: 7 years later, a veteran and his family appear to be infected with the same illness. Army Times. May 4, 1998.
Storer J. Commons debates on war veterans� issues urged. PA News. May 7, 1998.
Funk D. Cancer risk for gulf veterans can�t be assessed. Navy Times. May 11, 1998:31.
Timms E. Gulf War veterans preview miniseries. Dallas Morning News. May 13, 1998.
Gulf War jigsaw. BBC Archive. May 14, 1998.
Brewer N. Persian Gulf War veterans� cancer rate abnormal. Asheville Citizen-Times, Asheville, NC. May 15, 1998.
Remez M. VA numbers on tumors among Gulf veterans disputed. Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT. May 15, 1998.
Timms E. Research targeting vets� ills: UT Southwestern plans drug trials. Dallas Morning News. May 15, 1998.
Hanchette J. Gulf illnesses may be based in vets� genes. USA Today. May 16, 1998:A4.
Newton JS. VA medical center leads nation in Gulf War illness exams. Fayetteville Observer-Times. May 18, 1998.
Gulf War syndrome treatable, researchers say. Dallas Morning News. May 19, 1998.
Gulf War vets undergo clinical trials. Newport News, Newport, VA. May 19, 1998.
Timms E. Trials will test drugs on Gulf War vets. Contra Costa Times, Walnut Creek, Calif. May 19, 1998.
Gulf of truth. New York Post. May 22, 1998.
Ginburg Y. Anthrax: what you need to know. Navy Times. May 25, 1998.
Funk D. FDA nabs anthrax supplier on violations. Navy Times. May 25, 1998.
Ginburg Y. 12 sailors aboard ships in gulf still refuse to be vaccinated. Navy Times. May 25, 1998.
Allen JE. Study examines Gulf War syndrome. Associated Press. May 28, 1998.
Kolata G. Study hints stress-drug link to Gulf War illness. New York Times. May 28, 1998:A22.
Williams TD. Delousing chemical focus of Gulf War widow�s VA appeal. Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT. May 28, 1998.
James C. Complex warriors and victims. New York Times. May 29, 1998:B1.
Johnson S. War stories: Cable movies examine American military misadventures. Chicago Tribune. May 29, 1998.
Lee L. Ted Danson cheerful after finding true self. Washington Times. May 31, 1998:D4.
Shenon P. Another televised strike against the Pentagon. New York Times. May 31, 1998.
Stress research. Washington Times. May 31, 1998:D8.
Schafer S. Marshaling microchips for a better dog tag. Washington Post. June 1, 1998.
Panel votes to keep Gulf vet care. Associated Press. June 4, 1998.
Associated Press. Gulf vets� care extended. The Montgomery Journal. June 5, 1998.
Associated Press. Veterans panel votes to continue care for Gulf veteran. Dow Jones News. June 5, 1998.
Finley D. Theory on Gulf War illness gaining support. San Antonio Express-News. June 6, 1998.
Broad WJ. Iraqis� immunity to anthrax raised US fears, book says. New York Times. June 7, 1998.
Hafemeister R. Researchers find traces of uranium in Gulf War veterans� body fluids. Belleville News-Democrat, Belleville, IL. June 7, 1998.
Maggrett D. Stump to West: change VA regulations on compensation for Gulf War illnesses. Stars and Stripes. June 8, 1998-21.
Manhunt for "dangerous" doctor after nurse dies in HAI. PA News. June 8, 1998.
Reaney P. Stress, enzyme inhibition linked to Gulf veterans� troubling emotional symptoms. Stars and Stripes. June 8, 1998-21.
Toxins not linked to Gulf War syndrome. Reuters. June 10, 1998.
Bills introduced to protect health of US soldiers. Reuters. June 11, 1998.
Remez M. Bills propose more help for Gulf veterans. Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT. June 12, 1998.
Williams TD. Powell insists Gulf War chemical exposure still unproven. Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT. June 12, 1998.
Attention Gulf War vets. Navy Times. June 15, 1998.
Trevison C. Ill veterans claim US unresponsive. Tennessean, Nashville, Tenn. June 18, 1998.
Tsimekles D. Soldiers question the experts. Clarksville Leaf Chronicle, Clarksville, TN. June 18, 1998.
Gillert DJ. Meeting airs efforts, gripes over illness probe. American Forces Press Service. June 19, 1999.
Sullivan K. Gulf War uranium exposure ignored. San Francisco Examiner. June 21, 1998.
Evans D. Cancer cases soared in south Iraq after Gulf War. Reuters. June 21, 1998.
Funk D. New illnesses may get VA priority. Navy Times. June 22, 1998.
Myers L. Moorer says he knew of no sarin. Navy Times. June 22, 1998.
Veterans� news: of mice and men. Navy Times. June 22, 1998.
Hoagland J, Loeb V. Tests show nerve gas on Iraqi warheads: finding contradicts claims by Baghdad. Washington Post. June 23, 1998.
Schweid B. UN agents find nerve gas in Iraq. Washington Post. June 23, 1998.
Brice A. Iraq nerve gas report fuels vets� case. Atlanta Constitution. June 24, 1998.
Katz LM. US vows to keep pressure on Iraq after nerve gas report. USA Today. June 24, 1998.
Funk D. Experimental drugs could come with warning. Navy Times. June 29, 1998.
Funk D. Legislation eases cases for ill Gulf War vets. Navy Times. June 29, 1998:25.
Funk D. Medical protocol could be changed for Gulf War vets: bill would assume exposure to hazardous or toxic substances. Army Times. June 29, 1998.
Funk D. War illnesses may get priority at VA. Army Times. June 29, 1998.
Military medical research. Navy Times. June 29, 1998:24.
No syndrome in Canada. European Stars and Stripes. July 1, 1998:4.
Larry W. Hawkins, 49, dies; testified on Gulf War illness. Washington Post. July 2, 1998:D6.
Kurtz H. CNN retracts allegations of nerve gas use by US. Washington Post. July 3, 1998.
Finley D. "Stealth" germ theory invading Gulf War illness. San Antonio Express-News. July 6, 1998.
Keller P. UK Gulf War veterans urge Blair to probe illness. Reuters (UK). July 7, 1998.
Veterans demand Gulf War syndrome inquiry. Press Association Ltd (UK). July 7, 1998.
Ginburg Y. Vet group files Anthrax suit. Navy Times. July 13, 1998.
Associated Press. CNN retracts nerve gas story. Navy Times. July 13, 1998.
Defense budget: Gulf War illnesses. Navy Times. July 20, 1998.
Funk D. Research discounts stress as Gulf illness culprit. Navy Times. July 20, 1998:32.
Funk D. Research: stress not only cause of gulf illnesses. Army Times. July 20, 1998.
Gulf War illnesses. Navy Times. July 20, 1998:26.
Maze R. Senate pushes for independent war illness agency. Navy Times. July 20, 1998.
Maze R. Senate envisions center to study post-war health. Army Times. July 20, 1998.
Harwood R. How lies see the light of day. Washington Post. July 31, 1998:A21.
The Gulf War bill. Associated Press. August 3, 1998.
Weible J. DoD investigation: sarin not used in Tailwind. Navy Times. August 3, 1998.
Associated Press, Reuters . Gulf veterans� plan passes house. Washington Post. August 4, 1998.
Expanded benefits for vets approved by House. USA Today. August 4, 1998:5A.
No sign of Gulf ills from uranium ammo�Pentagon. Reuters. August 4, 1998.
Williams TD. Pentagon will offer testing on radiation. Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT. August 4, 1998.
Depleted uranium problems downplayed. Asheville Citizen-Times, Asheville, NC. August 5, 1998.
Gulf War illness. USA Today. August 5, 1998:10A.
Schafer SM. Pentagon discounts Gulf War uranium. San Diego Union-Tribune. August 5, 1998.
Schafer SM. Study doubts uranium role in vets� ills. Associated Press. August 5, 1998.
Debunking Gulf War "syndrome." New York Post. August 10, 1998.
Gulf veterans need this bill. Huntington Herald Dispatch, Huntington, WV. August 10, 1998.
A statistical effort to un-cloud the issue. PR Newswire. August 11, 1998.
Brewer N, Hanchette J. Many Persian Gulf vets die, get sick, study says. Huntington Herald Dispatch. August 11, 1998.
Capital roundup: Gulf sickness. USA Today. August 11, 1998:7A.
Dallas expert assails studies on Gulf War ailments. Dallas Morning News. August 11, 1998.
Gannett News Service. Doctor disputes Gulf War studies. El Paso Times. August 11, 1998.
Gannett News Service. Gulf veterans become sick, die at excessive rate, new study says. Des Moines Register. August 11, 1998.
Gulf illness study defies official line. Tennessean, Nashville, Tenn. August 11, 1998.
Williams M. Government studies on Gulf War syndrome flawed, research says. Associated Press. August 11, 1998.
Associated Press. Flaw reported in studies of Gulf War syndrome. New York Times. August 12, 1998:A13.
Capital roundup: Gulf War illness. USA Today. August 12, 1998:9A.
Gulf War syndrome studies questioned. Reuters. August 13, 1998.
Fast track: chem/bio warfare�keeping troops informed. Navy Times. August 17, 1998.
Fast track: chem/bio warfare�protection the force. Navy Times. August 17, 1998.
Funk D. DoD: DU didn�t cause illnesses. Navy Times. August 17, 1998.
Funk D. Vets" care access may get better. Navy Times. August 17, 1998.
Fast track: Gulf War illnesses�full medical jacket. Navy Times. August 24, 1998.
Fast track: Gulf War illnesses�the truth is out there. Navy Times. August 24, 1998.
Stanley D. UT study disputes Gulf War findings. Austin American-Statesman, Austin, Texas. August 24, 1998:B1.
ABC News, Starwave Corporation. Gulf War illness debated. ABC September 1, 1998.
Associated Press. Blow to ill troops. The Guardian, London, UK. September 2, 1998:11.
Associated Press. Gulf gas report. The Times. September 2, 1998:13.
Moffett J. Iraq: US Defense Department inadequately prepared for chemical warfare. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. September 2, 1998.
Report inconclusive on Gulf War illness. Hendersonville Times-News, Hendersonville, NC. September 2, 1998.
Gulf War syndrome: case closed. New York Post. September 3, 1998.
Funk D. New report challenges Gulf War illness studies. Army Times. September 7, 1998.
Eddington PG. Senate panel on Gulf War illness ignored facts. Washington Times. September 8, 1998:A20.
Gulf vets need help. Huntington Dispatch, Huntington, WV. September 8, 1998.
Phaup MB. VA provides extensive aid for Gulf War vets. Herald-Sun, Durham, NC September 12, 1998.
Funk D. Report: too many Gulf vets unhappy with care. Navy Times. September 14, 1998:33.
Funk D. VA slams handling of Gulf War illnesses. Navy Times. September 14, 1998:32.
Chronic illness more common in Gulf vets. Reuters. September 15, 1998.
Tanner L. CDC finds Gulf War illness symptoms. Associated Press. September 15, 1998.
Brown D. Boundaries of "Gulf War syndrome" widen. Washington Post. September 16, 1998:A4.
Davis C. Family seeks answers to veteran�s sudden suicide. Ocala Star Banner, Ocala, FL. September 20, 1998.
Davis C. Gulf War syndrome baffles researchers. Ocala Star Banner, Ocala, FL. September 20, 1998.
Greeks C. Gulf War vets seek answers on woes. San Diego Union-Tribune. September 24, 1998.
Billington M. Study: Gulf vets exposed to uranium. United Press International Science News. September 28, 1998.
VFW disputes Pentagon�s Gulf War finding. VFW. October 1998.
Rostker B. No "cover-up". Washington Post. October 1, 1998:A22.
Funk D. Low-level exposure strategy called for. Navy Times. October 5, 1998:28.
Funk D. Research zeroes in on Gulf War illnesses. Navy Times. October 5, 1998:28.
Townsend M. Scandal of the Gulf War cover-up. The Express, London, UK. October 5, 1998.
Crossette B. French find gas on Iraqi arms, reports assert. New York Times. October 7, 1998.
Reuters Ltd. Dispute surrounds French tests of Iraqi warheads for nerve gas. Washington Post. October 8, 1998:A26.
McElhenny J. Gulf War widow wins disability benefits. Army Times. October 12, 1998.
Koch E. Former CIA agent decries treatment of Gulf veterans. Las Vegas Sun. October 15, 1998.
Hafemeister R. Dismissive comments challenged by doctor. Belleville News-Democrat. October 19, 1998.
Swift G. Exclusive. The Express, London, UK. October 19, 1998.
Brice A. Gulf vets stand to gain in budget. Atlanta Constitution. October 21, 1998:6.
Senate oks Gulf veteran help plan. Associated Press. October 21, 1998.
Williams TD. Gulf vets poised to win big battle. Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT. October 21, 1998.
Ministry of Defence. Awareness campaign into Gulf veterans� illnesses. Information Division, Ministry of Defence News. October 22, 1998.
UK Gulf War syndrome questions. BBS News Report. October 22, 1998.
Sillivan K. US budget funds gulf illness study. San Francisco Examiner. October 22, 1998:1.
Williams TD. Gulf War vets bill is signed into law. Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT. October 22, 1998.
Kamen A. VA top doc is back on call. Washington Post. October 23, 1998:A25.
Sullivan K. Gulf illness debate gets money infusion. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Little Rock, AR. October 23, 1998.
Adde N. Court: military family members can�t sue Uncle Sam. Navy Times. October 28, 1998:28.
Camden J. Smith rethinks backing from veterans group. Spokesman-Review, Spokane, WA. October 31, 1998.
Williams TD. Studies of Gulf war vets� illnesses continue. Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT. October 31, 1998.
Funk D. Congress authorizes test for Gulf War illness. Navy Times. November 2, 1998:13.
Tutor L. Three new Gulf War studies join field. Birmingham News, Birmingham, AL. November 2, 1998.
Sullivan K. Independent toxic study sought for gulf vets. San Francisco Examiner. November 3, 1998.
Kreisher O. Pentagon casts doubt on Gulf War chemical alerts. Copley News Service. November 6, 1998.
Specter A. Gulf War illness: The lessons are clear. Stars and Stripes. October 26, 1998- November 8, 1998.
Associated Press. Army seeks subjects of vaccine tests. New York Times. November 9, 1998:A18.
Eddington P. Veterans day: a vision of what is to come? Navy Times. November 9, 1998:31.
Van Buren A. Dear Abby: A deserving legacy for war letters. Washington Times. November 11, 1998:C.
Associated Press. President honors veterans with raise in disability pay. Washington Times. November 12, 1998:A3.
Clinton reminds Americans of "solemn debt." USA Today. November 12, 1998:3A.
Brown D. Army�s new tack on unseen enemy. Washington Post. November 23, 1998.
Ginburg Y. Sailors claim unfair punishment for refusing anthrax vaccination. Navy Times. November 23, 1998:8.
Brice A. Gulf War veterans claim uranium arms cover-up. Atlanta Journal-Constitution. November 24, 1998.
Brown D. Images of war hide in memory to ambush soldiers later. Washington Post. November 24, 1998:A1.
Brown D. Soldiering on in the face of pain. Washington Post. November 24, 1998:A1.
Fleming N. Secret on Gulf troops. The Express, UK. November 26, 1998.
Reuters. Iraq to host conference on Gulf War effects. Reuters. November 29, 1998.
Gulf War illnesses: probing the probers. Navy Times. November 30, 1998:26.
Brooks C. Credibility gulf. San Diego Union-Tribune. December 2, 1998.
Barkho L. Iraq blames US for gulf illnesses. Associated Press. December 3, 1998.
Barkho L. Veteran from Georgia backs claims by Iraq that US caused illnesses. Atlanta Journal-Constitution. December 3, 1998.
Donnelly J. Veteran suspects depleted uranium in US ammunition made her sick; Iraqis score propaganda points during conference on Gulf War syndrome. Knight-Ridder. December 3, 1998.
Knight Ridder Newspapers. US vet tells Iraqis of Gulf War illnesses. Knight Ridder Newspapers. December 3, 1998.
Campbell D. Gulf War syndrome is not a piece of fiction. Washington Times. December 4, 1998.
Brooks C. 1991 Gulf War veterans� relatives also facing mysterious illnesses. San Diego Union-Tribune. December 21, 1998.
O"Kane M. British Gulf vets fear birth defects tied to war. Washington Times. December 23, 19998:A14.
Ginburg Y. 27 Marines refuse anthrax vaccination. Navy Times. December 28, 1998:9.
Brewer N, Hanchette J. Gulf War "burning semen syndrome" doesn�t appear stress-related. Gannett News Service. December 30, 1997.
Christensen D. What ails Gulf vets still a mystery: MSNBC, 1998.
DiPaolo E. Tallil Air Base narrative, MOPP and M8A1 alarm information papers released. GulfNEWS. Vol. 2, 1998:2.
Gulf War illness symptoms cited by non-Gulf vets. Chicago, IL: FoxNews, 1998.
Hanchette J, Brewer N. Veterans link Lou Gehrig�s disease to Gulf War. Seattle Times
Solomon M. Navy publishes birth defects study. Gulf News. Vol. 2, 1998:2.
Walton J. Veterans� stories surface on care by VA. The Chattanooga Times.
Thorne S. Researcher claims Gulf War ailments were man-made. London Free Press. February 8, 1999.
Bueckert D. Forces doctors defend use of anthrax vaccine. February 9, 1999.
Ward O. Poisons of war. Toronto Star. February 14, 1999.
O"Farrell P. parents Pled to end anthrax vaccines. The Times. March 8, 1999:7.
Finn G. Gulf uranium link denied. The Independent (UK). March 20, 1999.
Briscoe D. Report praises Petagon on illness. Associated Press. March 23, 1999.
Brody J. When illness is real, but symptoms are unseen. The New York Times. May 28, 1999.
Principi A. A head start for veterans. Washington Post.
Stokes P. Gulf veteran�s death natural, says corner. Daily Telegraph, UK.
Myers L. GIs face dismissal over shot flap. Associated Press.
Mays P. CDC hosts gufl war illness summit. Associated Press.
MacKillop J. Gulf War study confirms health problems. The Herald, Scotland.
Waugh P. Gulf War syndrome victims "may wait decades for cure." The Independent :8.
Hanchette J. Vets, scientists forge ideas on treating Gulf War illness. Potomac News, VA.
Gregoriadis L. Veteran sick of official treatment. Independent.
Ginburg Y. Increasing objection to "force protection." Navy Times.
Funk D. Gulf War illnesses study open to 1,800 vets. Army Times.
Funk D. Studies test treatment for sick Gulf War vets. Navy Times.
Funk D. Everything you need to know about Anthrax before you get the shot. Navy Times: 20-22.
Windrem R. U.S. agency fears a smallpox weapon: NBC, 1999.
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The syndrome that isn�t. New York Post.
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