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File: 120596_aaczf_02.txt
Page: 02
Total Pages: 22

 A: It was a bigger adjustment going to Prep school because,
 basically, we had training instructors from Lackland...
 sergeants that came up there; and also just learning the
 military way of doing things. Once I got to the Academy,
 it was pretty easy actually, after being through a year
 of Prep school. I knew pretty much what to expect.

 Q: How long did Prep school last?

 A: It was almost a year; it was July to May, ten months.
 Then I entered the Academy in June of '75.

 Q. What was your major while you were at the Academy?
 A: I was a military history major.

 Q: Very wise. And you wound up in navigator training.
 A: That's right.
 Q: Was this by choice?
 A: No, when I took my physical during my first class senior
 year, my eyes had gone below 20/50, which at the time was
 the cutoff for pilot training. Mine had gone to 20/70
 while I'd been at the Academy so I couldn't go into pilot
 training and I couldn't get a waiver, so I went to Nav
 school from the Academy.
 Q: Was that somewhat of a disappointment to you?
 A: yes, because I had wanted to be a pilot. But at the
 time, well, I was just glad to be able to fly.
 Q. Upon graduation, your first assignment was the 36th
 Tactical Fighter Squadron at Osan Air Base, Korea.
 A: Yes, that was following all my Nav training and my F-4
 training, that I was at Korea.
 Q: Oh, you were at Holloman...?

 A: Right, I went to Holloman for lead-in fighter training
 and then to Homestead AFB for F-4 training, and my first
 operational assignment was at Osan.

 Q: And how long were you at Osan?
 A: That was for one year.
 Q: Then you wound up at the 86th Tactical Fighter Wing at

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