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File: 111396_aacvt_02.txt
Page: 02
Total Pages: 71

         During Operation Desert Storm the logistics workload
        intensified. The effort concentrated on spare parts and munitions
        resupply, maintaining aircraft in a high state of readiness, and
        ensuring bases were supplied with fuel in a timely manner. During
        the war the USCENTAF logistics effort was so incredible the
        aircraft mission capable rate never dropped below 93 percent. In
        addition, innovative management of logistics sustainment issues
         provided 138.6 million pounds of ordnance and 824 million gallons
        of fuel to support the USCENTAF aircraft as they flew 66,128 combat
         sorties over Iraq and Kuwait. -
         The final end strength of USCENTAF logistics personnel was 111,
         broken down into the following functional areas:
        Leadership (2)
        Administration (8)
         Aircraft Maintenance (29)
                    Contracting (4)
         Fuels (8)
         Logistics Plans (10)
        Munitions (18)
         Supply (16)
         Transportation  (16)

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