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File: aabfw_02.txt
Page: 02
Total Pages: 2

    Memo For General Glosson
    RE: Your question to Lt Col Hill and Mr Chris Centner (AV 225-2683 or 3309)
    Ref Salmon pac R&D facility - may contain Anthrax - one of the most dangerous
    biological weapons known. Research area may contain small amounts.
    Destruction of bunkers may spread disease for miles.
    According to US Army Biological threat analysis ctr -.disease may spread to
    countries including "USSR" ,Syria, Israel, Turkey, and Greece causing
    thousands of millions' of casualties. "Best case would be that bunkers are
    empty but we don't know that.
    Ex: The Soviets accidentially released 221bs of anthrax in 1979 and it spread
    tens of square miles creating 400 to 1600 casualties in sparsely populated
    area (Sverdlorsk).
    Military and civilian populations in Middle East are fully susceptible to
    anthrax. Anthrax may persist in the soil for days, weeks, or months.
    There are no detectors for anthrax. Symptoms are so non-specific that
    diagnosis in time for penicillin treatment would be highly unlikely
    If you breath anthrax it's nearly 100% fatal.  If ingested through gut, its
    about 70%.






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