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             Deployment Day No. 44 


                   The following people were                  
               TDY before this deployment                  
             and Finance asks them to stop
by and complete a travel voucher:
SrA. Malcolm Crump   	 Sgt. James Zima                  ____
Sgt. Jeffrey Keiffer   	SSgt. Norman Gordon
Sot. Elwood Humphrey   	Sgt. Stuart Sul I ivan
MSgr. Armeetad Al len 	AIC Mark Rogozinaki
Sgt. Shane Jenkins     	SMGgt. Robert Silodeau                      
Amn. David Serve I    	Capt. John Harper
Maj Larry Widner     	Capt. Dennis Horne
Capt. Josef Seidi     	Capt. Oweyne Smith
Sgt. Thomas Heydweiller
    The following individuals also need to                         
visit Finance to review some military pay
matters for end-of-year accounting:
TSgt. Joe Jackson    	 Sgt. Dale Owens 
SSgt. Steven Boulden  	SrA. Marc Lowitz
TSgt. Robert Macon 	MSgt. Levy Owen
SrA. Timothy Seppeson 

CHEM GEAR NEEDS INSPECT ION                        	Dallas  (1-1) at Washington (1-1)
                                                   				Indy Colts 10-2) at Houston (0-2)
							Kansas City (1-1) at Green Bay (1-1)
    Disaster Preparedness asks everyone to       		Miami (2-0) at NY Giants (2-0)
check for the following serial numbers and			Minnesota (I-I) at Chicago (2-0)	
take items having these numbers to Disaster			New England (1-1) at Cincinnati (2-0)
Preparedness 						Phoenix (1-1) at New Orleans (0-2)
 Mask Filter #   MSA-4-5 					San Diego (0-2) at Cleveland (1-1)
Chemical Suit # DLA 100-89-C-O428			Atlanta (1-1)at San Francisco (2-0)	
     The lot numbers on the Atropine Auto			Philadelphia(0-2) at LA Rams (1-1)
Injector (smaller tubes) must also be checked.		Pittsburgh (1-1) at LA Raiders (2-0)
If your injectors have the following numbers,		Seattle (0-2)at Denver (1-1)
return them to Medical Supply in the Main			Detroit (1-1)at Tampa Bay (1-1)
Hospital.						Monday - Buffalo (1-1) at NY Jets (1-1)	
Lot  #  JS 4022, JS 4096, PS 4021, PS 4102 and
PS 4201
								RUMOR MILL
MOVIE SCHEDULE                                   	              Rumor: MWR will begin charging for theater
                                                 			movies and video tape checkout.
Today - "Untouchables"                              		Definitive Answer: NO! MWR will begin a video
       (Crime Drama)                              		tape loan program on a trial basis, but will
Sunday - not available                            		 not charge for the service.  Check with MWR
Showtimes are 8 a.m., 8 p.m., and 10 p.m.            	for more information.
Movie schedule subject to change.

                                                           		VOICE OF AMERICA FREQUENCIES
   There have been eight vehicle mishaps
since the deployment began and more can be          	Local Time    	Shortwave Frequencies
prevented if operators become familiar with         	 4 to 7:30 a.m. 	6095 15225  15255 15405
vehicles before driving them, according to                            		17810
Safety officials.                                    		 noon to 3 p.m.	 11740  15160  15195
   Many people are driving vehicles that                           		21670 21615
they haven't been certified on, and the           	                3:30 to 4 p.m.	11740  15160  15195
vehicles, particularly special purpose, often                          		 21500 21720
have unique features.                                		  4:30 to 5 p.m.	11740  15155  15195   
A recent accident revealed that a                           			21500 21720
vehicle operator wasn't t familiar with                          5:30 to 6 p.m.	 11915 15155 15195
switches to activate the turn signals or                            		21500 21720
brake lights.					 6  to 7 pm.   	 11915 15155 15255
      ____________________________                                    	               21500 21720
           Trivia Answer:                           		10 p.m. to 4 a.m. 6095 15255 15405 17810

           Andrew Jackson                        		 Source: VGA/Stars end Stripes

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